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355Rwkw In A Ba Mkii Xr6T


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Finding out what tables I changed using a "sniper" is painful as well.. chances are his missed at least 30 tables I've manipulated.. LOL

Sniper lacks a "compare" function to see what tables are changed..

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For the record. A number of years ago when I put my car on that dyno, it showed 377rwkw.. When I know my car only made 319rwkw..

You work it out.

I also saw some very rubbery figures come off that dyno. Firstly, a guy running 350 odd rwkw came off that dyno with 390rwkw - no change to the tune. I had my car on it and it made 30rwkw less on 4 psi more boost (21 psi!). Funny thing is the very next day, it made 370rwkw at 18psi ... Very consistent - NOT.

I can definitely say from being there quite a bit over a 2 month period that his dyno is an archaic POS that is all over the shop. It is not well maintained, was breaking down, wouldn't boot up often, showed varying figures, had dodgy connections to the data acquisition board and was generally in the same state as his workshop, dress sense and personal car. I remember once there was a boost reading of 2psi plugged in to nothing.

As our esteemed tuner said, you work it out...

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Classic thread! It's not hard to tune these cars, you have to be pretty spastic to make a dangerous tune, either that or simply pushing the software numbers to far for the hardware mods! Mmmmm standard pump lol, most don't push it hard! I logged a car recently that Has mnimal mods and was running 18 psi & 13.7 afr WOT on a BA bottom end with NO auditable ping! We maxxed out 4th gear too. There was barely any timing in it, 5 degrees at 4000rpm. I would much rather use good hardware to make power rather then lean on the software numbers.

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