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Fg Manifold Conversion


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Will be interesting to see the results and gains. Also FG vs a plenum on a BA/BF.

As long as the cost is reasonable and the gains are good then I see no reason why people would not be interested.


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Ok, just a small update. Started on the conversion yesterday, what a Pita of a job to get that carp off..

For those thinking of doing this be warned it is not for the faint hearted.

The first problem you will encounter is the water pipe from the thermostat housing that goes around the back of the motor, it fouls the FG manifold and needs to be modified.

I cut mine, and swung it around to clear the manifold, and will join it using rubber hose. The FG pipe is totally different and will also need to be modded so,I think

it it easier to just cut the existing one up. You will need to bead the pipe ends and re plate it!.

The next is clearance between the TB bend and bonnet, I made the bend as tight as possible and managed 15mm, not much but hey, it doesn't foul. This is because

the BA TB is much higher than the FG one plus, the adaptor I made up adds 10mm to the height. Then there is the joys of getting the piping right. I am

making temporary piping with the PW stage 2 ones that I had fitted, then off to a fabricator...

Also, the dip stick bracket needs to be cut off, and relocated lower down, no big problem there though..

Overall if you are not REALLY handy with tools I would not attempt this, I am so, it is a viable option for me.

A couple of pics for those interested..






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Any reason you've mounted the throttle body at a 45 degree angle instead of straight on the manifold?

I agree, it must cause some flow issues at certain revs/boost.

Also would have gained more room under bonnet using a right angle adaptor between the manifold and thottle body, this would have had the throttle body sitting horizontal instead of vertical and as a side benifit increased the overal plenum volume .

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It had to be mounted at that angle in order to be able to adapt to the manifold. The bolt spacings will not allow it to adapt any other way

unless, you fasten the adapter from below, pita!!

You will suffer about the same ill effects from mounting it this way as the FG does, none.

You could mount it in a similar fashion to the PW throttle body relocation, but why move the

butterfly further away from the manifold entry, that makes no sense at all.

Who says there is a need to increase the volume of this manifold any more tan what is at hand, bigger isn't

always better.

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Looks good EGOXRT dont worry about others comments, it will work fine.It has ample plenum volume as well.Good to see you having a go at it and posting it up.I for one cant wait to see the end results.

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Thanks JVK. It will be interesting to see the results, that is for sure. There will be a couple of

higher powered cars using these in the near future also, albeit with a different TB, that will also be interesting!

If the thing has enough volume to flow 600+ rwkw, I think it will do what I want, no problems.

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  • Member For: 19y 2m 13d
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Your right on the money. 600RWKW + should be more than enough for most lol.

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