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Where Do You Place Your External Gps Unit?


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where does everybody place their external GPS units?

Got a nice xl 340 tom tom for chrissy but cant seem to find a appropiate place on the windscreen considering on long trips I will have to power it via the cigarette adaptor.

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where have people placed them on their wind screens or have you got a crade near the ciggarette adaptor?

thanks :buttrock:

Edited by oldskool
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Mine lives in the bottom right corner of the screen.

It has a power cord long enough to wrap once around the steering colloum.

It also does not obstruct the view through the windscreen.

Funny thing I caught a cab the other day and he had the GPS dead set in the middle of the drivers vision.

Luckly it was a short trip and I reminded the driver that he needs to look at the road as GPS's do not show other cars and pedestrians.

He did not think it was dangerous, but the cop who was with me instructed him to relocate it to a safer spot. It is astounding where people will put a GPS.

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After having used external GPS systems for many years. the best place is lower right of the screen as stated. I've tried everything and it's clearly the best. Slight blind spot when turning right hand corners, but other than that it's the best. Good position to minimise your distraction while looking at it as well. Middle of the screen where I have seen many mounted is downright dangerous. In some coutries like the US you can't mount it on the screen at all! Also being close to the front pillar it helps with sun shading and the like.

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  • Mad Scientist
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I put mine in the bottom rhs of the windscreen as well, and I tuck the power cord under the dashmat and run it down to the power plug :buttrock:

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Hey I have the Tom Tom One XL and I have it jammed in under the tissue box.

You sit it in the holder that fits on the windscreen and the suction cup fits perfectly under the tissue box and keeps it there while driving without moving around.

Nice and discreet too and wont leave any marks on your windscreen.

Its easy to look at and doesn't get the glare you do when its above the dash line.

Let us know if you want me to take a pic.



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Middle of the screen just above the tripod gauges, so the missus can get to it but I can still see it.

When using my nokia as a GPS, the cord is to short for anywhere else than the middle of the screen, so it get tucked quite nicely in its cradle beside the tripod.

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Lower RHS of windscreen like everyone else has said.

only I hard wired mine into the plug behind the fuse panel, and popped the cord out of the steering column, much neater now and no ugly plug in the console

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Bottom right of the windscreen here also. The cord is fed up from the AUX power socket straight under the icc, up over the steering column and comes out in the gap between the A-pillar plastic and the dash. Nice and tidy with no exposed cords.

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