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Pump Fuel Power Figures


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I have been reading with interest numerous posts about cars with various power outputs.

I know some are using pump fuel for one power figure and race fuel or some other mix for higher power figures.

This can be somewhat misleading.

What I would like to know, what are the highest power figures one could expect on 98 octane pump fuel

bought at your local servo, WITHOUT any additives.

If this is already a topic, could someone show me a link, because I am having problems using the search

option. :stupid:

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as boost and timing + pinging (not to mention everything else) comes into it, I think ~450rwkw is all you can get (with everything else done to support the figure)

Edited by icer
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This is a very open ended question LOL, the main reason people run race fuel are for safety purposes!

The major differences between pump fuel tunes and race fuel tunes are timing!

There is no reason why you can't run big numbers on pump fuel, if you don't mind detonation's, pinging and blowing engines!

The race fuel as such doesn't make a major power difference (depending on the fuel) What it does is eliminate the above, runs cooler, supplies more oxygen in some cases, burns better thus increasing efficiency & numbers.

You cannot say the maximum is 430 or 470 or 550, because it depends on your combination & setup. (too many variables). I have personally run over 530rwkw's on pump fuel in 2005 in a daily driver and at 25-26psi. This however takes it's toll on the engine severely, all it takes is a bad batch of fuel and it's all over at these levels.

On the street I prefer boost and the turbo to do all the work, rather than timing, because logically I would rather ping first than detonate.

Not everything is a race fellas, who makes more x,y,z. The car needs to be drivable as well, I only yesterday pulled more power out of my street tune (1psi), on an ending note I personally do not run over 5or6deg's of timing on the street I also simultaneously have two boost setting's, power is around 450 to 426rwkw's depending on what dyno you run it on (this is my perfect street power level)!

Hope this helps!!!

Edited by SPIKO
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You sure that wasn't on 109 mic?

Last time I checked it made 515rwkw's on C&V's dyno on race fuel, either I'm missing something because he is my friend or you know something I dont mic!

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Thanks for your informative reply spiko. (and your replies to *Beep* and mic)

Its just that when I was trying to research what sort of power I could hopefully achieve with my car, I

couldn't really find clear power readings with a common variable of running 98 Pump fuel.

I can appreciate what you say about it depends on your set-up, and how willing you are to stretch your motor.

I was told by C&V that I could possibly expect another 30-40 rwkws after I have a better fuel set-up.

So that's about right what you said *Beep*.

Which brings me to another point, what fuel mods are people running to get these 98 octane pump fuel levels?

Any info provided would be appreciated, because as I stated before, my search engine for this forum doesn't

work properly?! :beerchug:

Edited by jescam
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If you are chasing 30 to 40 more than what you are making now, you may and this is a big may get away with a good in tank pump setup or a process west single pump with a surge tank and good regulater! however If you are going to this trouble why not eliminate the fuel problem all together pic below.


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From a recent post of mine on this topic:

Looking up some old graphs, for comparative purposes for the tuning of my cars:

638rwkw Nov07 with C16 ... tune I ran a 138mph at wsid on street tyres

... then various other mods to improve overall efficiency

614rwkw Feb08 with 98 BP Ultimate

637rwkw Jul08 with 100ron shell

Same dyno, so wheel slip and other variations bypassed.

It comes down to the efficiency of the vehicle setup, and having dyno equipment to measure combustion efficiency.

You can make good power with 98, but it just doesn't feel anywhere near as good as the 100 that Shell withdrew from the market.

For daily driving it's more realistic to detune somewhat, due to 98 fuel variability , rather than risk your motor. I would not want to push a 98 tune anywhere near the limit on the street just for bragging rights. In any event most reputable tuners will tune to a power level, then turn the power back to have a buffer, as they do not want to be responsible for blown engines.

Dyno figures can vary all over the place, strap down, wheelslip problems, etc; so there's no point trying to argue about what I made on other dynos, and it's academic for me anyway.

Also I place more emphasis on my mph at the track at full weight to validate the power, and's the right place to use/test the power.


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Well explained, I just can't picture you having known you driving around on 500 or 600kw and pump fuel in a manual LOL. Ever since leaded petrol was banned fuel has always been the limiting factor for a safe everyday tune!

This may change when E85 becomes more accesable.


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