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Standard Vs Monza?


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Depends on a lot of things.

If you can pick the Monza up cheap, ie $50, then yeah, chuck it on.

But if you are paying over, say, $300, I personally wouldnt, bacause later on down the track chances are that you will buy a bigger I/C again, and it will be money wasted.

It also depends on what your plans are with the car. If you are going to keep it for a while, you might mod it some more, therefore a Monza and mods dont work well together. But if you are keeping it relatively stock, maybe a custom tune and that's it, then yeah, chuck it on.

Dont think there will be a great deal of a power increase, as your exhaust is still stock, and this is limiting the turbo breathability somewhat.

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Thanks for the reply.

Will be keeping it mostly stock $$$$, I thought for $100 there may be a small power/efficiency benefit. Haven't really read much on this type of upgrade and am guessing its more of a complimentary upgrade rather than stand alone one. does this sound kinda right? Other benefit would be they look cooool in polished alloy v's standard black...

If in stock tune is there any kw's/torque increase at the wheels with a monza IC upgrade with no other mods being considered for at least the foreseeable future. Is it worth $100?

thanks again

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  • loitering with intent
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I wouldn't bother with a Monza cooler at all with 350 rwkw. They will hold it for about 1 decent spurt before the heat sinks in.

Totally unsuitable for that power IMO. But $100 and keeping the car pretty stock why not

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Put one on mine about a month back, made a noticeable increase in power and made it much more responsive. I bought it mainly to reduce the drop off in power in hot weather but was surprised the difference it made overall. Worth the money if your on a budget or just wanting to liven it up a bit.

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  • loitering with intent
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  • Member For: 21y 6m 7d
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  • Location: Zombie Birdhouse

Increase in power ? How many back to back pulls ? Hot weather or conditions. I'm suprsised at that outcome.London to a brick it will lose power. sorry

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In 40 degree weather, the car does get a lot of heat soak. But I don't thrash the car on hot days. I have had mine for a few years and with a custom 10psi tune and injectors its a ok intercooler. It you want to make over 300RWKW constant then you will need a better one. For $100 I would put it in as its better then Stock.

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