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Fg Xr6T Dyno With A Surprising Result?


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HI All,

Been awhile since I've been here.

Anyway, bought my FG back in May, and about 2 weeks ago took it down to the local dyno. Car is pretty much stock standard (read on for what's been done, but no tune, stock exhaust, stock everything).

To my surprise, the car read 252rwkw (251.8). I was surprised since the engine SHOULD have 270kw, so I was only expecting 220-230kw at the wheels. I shrugged it off, paid the guy and left.

Today, I went and got my car serviced as there was a fault with the window not closing properly. Thank god for warranty. Well, they also did a firmware upgrade for me, and apparently this introduced a new PCM (or whatever it's called) upgrade. I didn't think much of it, drove around a bit and felt no different to me exactly. I also got my oil changed to synthetic as per request. So these two things were different from the first time 'round.

Anyway, because of my previous attempt, I took it to another dyno (different from the first) to try it out and see if the numbers were any different. Well, they didn't go down, but went up. The dyno read 260rwkw (259.9).

I'm dazzled as to why this is, since nothign has been done to the engine and no after market changes have been made. Has anyone else gotten such readings before on there car? I mean, I'm not complaining, it's awesome, but I'm concerned as to why it's WAY over it's "on paper from factory" terms?

Will attach the dyno sheet once scanned.


Edited by Dagabond
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From what I've seen on the forums, this is the way Ford do it! Understated power on the cars, maybe a throwback to the supercar scare a few decades back...at any rate there's reports of FG F6's dynoing at 300rwkw, stock. Brmmm! Heh.

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Looking at that graph I can tell you why it's reading higher straight away.

It was done in Shoot 8 mode.

That's not the right mode for the turbo 6. It should be Shoot 6F.

Go back and ask why they did this, and if it's an honest mistake ask for another run.

Edited by PHANTMXR6
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I'm not sure at all what Shoot 8 means, but I see where it's located. What's the difference? And is it a big difference? I actually feel sad for my car for putting it on the dyno not once, but twice. The thing got flogged like crazy and I've never driven it to that high rev before.

Surprisingly though, the dude said he was surprised at the way the car was on the dyno. He never had a FG turbo (has had bf turbos and ba turbos, but not FG), and was surprised how it lifted off the dyno at only 3000 revs. I tell you, once it hit around 5000 or so revs, it wasn't on the dyno anymore.. the wheels were nearly spinning in the air..

Edited by Arkayne
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I'm no Dyno Dynamics guru but it has something to do with different ramp rates etc.

It will make a difference to your reading though.

There are different rates for engine type. eg Turbo 6,4 V8 etc.

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I'm not sure at all what Shoot 8 means, but I see where it's located. What's the difference? And is it a big difference? I actually feel sad for my car for putting it on the dyno not once, but twice. The thing got flogged like crazy and I've never driven it to that high rev before.

Surprisingly though, the dude said he was surprised at the way the car was on the dyno. He never had a FG turbo (has had bf turbos and ba turbos, but not FG), and was surprised how it lifted off the dyno at only 3000 revs. I tell you, once it hit around 5000 or so revs, it wasn't on the dyno anymore.. the wheels were nearly spinning in the air..

If that's the way your car was strapped to the dyno then I'd be taking it somewhere else. It shouldn't be moving around on the rollers much at all. And if they've done turbo power runs before they should know what ramp rate to use.

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Unfortunately the other place (there's only 2 here) is even worse. This dude re-did the straps 3 times, and it didn't move, etc, but definitely lifted quite a bit at higher revs. And alright, I guess I'll call tomorrow and tell him about the Shoot8 and Shoot6F options.

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If it's stock and strapped correctly it shouldn't lift at any revs. If anything it should squat.

When mine was dyno'd it had a fairly aggressive power ramp and I filmed most of the runs (buggered if I can transfer them from a JVC HDD camcorder to Windows format though) but when the boost comes on you can clearly see the car squat.

Good luck though.

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I'm not sure about the air to fuel ratio. It's stock standard, nothing has been changed, including the AFR and PSI. He did tell em that ti was very rich, and that if a tune was to be done, it could easily be raised for better fuel effeciency and more power.

Was dynoed on third gear.

@PHANTMXR6, Are you sure? Both places I went to had the car lifting up. The straps still held it in place, but I could see the back wheels lifting off the spinner-things on the back of the dyno. Slightly, almost went straight off the spinners (the back one wasn't touching the wheel once it hit high revs).

To be honest, this dude has been flown around Australia to tune cars. He said some of his customers went down to Adelaide to compete and their dyno read quite the same as his (given, there's always going to be a difference, even if it's slight). He has built quite a few cars from scratch too, and has been doing it for several years. I'm concerned about the "Shoot 8" option though, because he has 2 turbo cars that he owns and a VE SS.

Should I really consider not going back to him? Because I was thinking of doing a VCM tune there, plus get him to fit the F6 CAI, and do some custom parts for the exhaust (remove centre muff, plus add a second piping to the other side of the car for quad outlet).

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