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Knocking From Engine


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  • loitering with intent
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I'm doing a compression test tomorrow. that'll tell if it's a rod.

There is no smoke, fluid leaks, smells, etc anywhere. The car drives normal. sounds like sh*t but drives normal.

I'm gonna get the guys from ford to have a look and listen tomorrow, and quote me on a repair (the idea of the quote is to see how much they will charge to diagnose, and repair.

What's the official verdict ? fingers crossed for ya

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Okay, no compression test as the dial I have doesn't reach all the way down to where the plugs are. Everyone wants to pull the motor out and have a look, and some of the shops in town have said, 'if it runs bring it down, cant be that bad!'

It was tuned by Dave - Blueboost, I made no secret of having him tune the car, and it's not his fault, he did what I paid for - Pushed it to the limit. I was aware that we had the car pretty high on the power scale, I was just hoping that we didn't take it too far.

Gonna put the rocker cover back on tomorrow and take it a couple of places to see what they say. Wish I was in Mackay, at least they have tuners and engine shops there.

Edited by mattyb
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  • loitering with intent
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mate , as said you can't blame Dave. Just hope it's not a rod. Good luck buddyspoton.gif Keep us posted as we can all learn. Well some of usblush.gif

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  • Force Fed Fords
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You do say it comes from the front somewhere right... It clearly doesn't sound right mate and even though you say it ddrives fine and such I wouldn't take the risk of driving it till this problem is solved... By any chance could it be your tensioner on the belt? Just an idea mate. Put a screw driver on that or on the bearings there buddy and try to hear for the sound... Let us know how you go, goodluck

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So here is where I'm at...Compression test complete, and well, things aren't looking too good. But we still have to do the leak test yet.

POT #1 - 195 PSI

POT #2 - 195 PSI

POT #3 - 130 PSI

POT #4 - 165 PSI

POT #5 - 195 PSI

POT #6 - 175 PSI

Going to check that the vac line to the fuel reg is connected still, as one came loose on a car I know of and caused it to run lean and resulted in almost identical pressure readings and a bent #3 rod.

We are going to inspect a few other things while I'm at it but once we 100% confirm a bent rod with the leak test it looks like I'll be stripping it down and rebuilding the motor.

As it stands I'm pretty broke, so ill be looking at maybe F6 pistons and rods with a billet oil pump, or maybe, F6 pistons with a set of spool rods, and a billet oil pump, but $$$$ will be the key factor here.

If anyone has any of the above mentioned parts for sale or where I can get them at dirt cheap prices... let me know.

Edited by mattyb
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Hey Matt, this is the time when I hate tunning cars,got to change one thing you said Matt, you did not ask to push it right to the limit, but we had not realy pushed it that far either, because of the fact you are in land, where bad fuel can end up getting into cars, we had almost enough Knock retard to pull the timing back to nearly zero, this power should not have hurt this motor, I hope we end up finding what has hurt it,

I listened to the noise you sent me, a bit strange,very tinny, and to me almost sounds at a faster beat then the idle rpm.

got to go to work now, keep in touch Matt.


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  • RUS531
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hey matty,

Sorry to hear about your dramas dude... nasty sound too. A thought for parts... maybe you could give brad at atomic a call and see if he has some good condition second hand F6 pistons and rods he could sell you :beerchug:

New ones would be the go though, for piece of mind.

Keep us in the loop.


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that's a strange sound. How high is your idle. I've seen a few engines knock and they seem to knock at half the speed of this 1.....

Maybe your pressure reg vac line failed and caused it to lean out to much?

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Sounds too "thick" to be an exhaust leak and it I think those compression figures tell the story. When I bent a rod, and I mean bent, it took a chunk out of the block at the bottom of the bore where the rod was giving the block a hip-and-shoulder. The engine still ran but it was seriously sick as you'd imagine.

Sorry to hear mate. If you need pistons and/or rods and you're thinking Mahle and Argo let me know. I've got some at a very good price. Especially the pistons. I won't mention a price here but PM me and I'll let you know.

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