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Rear Suspension "Bang"


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Thanks Brett. Yeah I'm suspecting more and more its the top of the shocks. I am borrowing the 4 toinne Jack from work and hoisting it this weekend (No, I wont forget my axle stands). Locktight will be purchased tomorrow.

It is one of those thiongs that annoys the living cr*p out of me. I know these cars get creaks and groans as they get older but this is rediculous.

Anyway, I shall report on my findings once done.

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Ok. Had enough.

Diff bush is gone, but has been going for a while so have booked it in AGAION with Ford to have that fixed.

When I booked it in I was told if the other bushes are worn but not cracked, they wont replace them.

Un real.

I am suspecting its the upper control arms as the shocks are solid. But I am being sent around the bedn by this noisey rear. A car should NOT make these noises. Don't care who you are or what you say. HOPEFULLY a solution will be found.

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If you changed the Shocks I assume you changed the Springs!

I have had issue with the Springs not settling properly after the Car has been put on a Hoist.

When you hit a 'good' bump, they try to settle into the correct location!

It is now something I double check before I take the Car!

- The noise is enough to scare the s... out of you!

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Nige, generally that is a sign of the wrong spring used in the application - too much droop in the shocks for the springs. If you can, have a chat to Dave about how long the shocks are that he's put in your car. Or, maybe the spring he has in it is too short - but I don't see why condiering your isn't really that low compared to others we've seen!

Rudiger has standard height springs, so they shouldn't be un-trapped in that sense...

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I think Rosie youve hit something there. Pat and I have been discussing this all day and we sort of agree. So I'm going to INSIST they replace them

Look, these things aren't Mercedes but for the money we pay youd expect not to sound like a bloody '73 Kingswood in the rear.

The only issue I had with shocks and springs was worrying if they were tight at the top which they are. The other issue whether I should have gone lower rather than standard. But we will worry about that once the bang os gone.

At least if they change it and it fixes it I will know and can change them again if need be. But for now, I just dont enjoy driving it....much.

Thanks again Pat for all your time today. Really appreciated it and I'll keep you posted if I have to drive to Penrith. lol

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The main things that cause knocks in the rear end of these things are....

Outer upper and lower arm balljoint bushes,there are 3 per side of the arse end.Good way to check them is as if you were checking for play in a wheel bearing or tie rod end but with a little more force. A pry bar is another option.

The rear wheel bearings are starting to fail in the whole aussie ford range from BA to FG to Territory and cause knocking and scraping.

The rear sway bar link rod,eye bushes sperate from the link and cause a I <3 Bananas annoying knock.

Rear shockers and upper shocker bolts as already mentioned.

Diff bushes but mainly in and out of gear etc.

Spare wheel wooden cover in the wrong position.

And my easy favourite is the old towbar tongue bouncing around in the towbar.

Goodluck and hopefully Ford sought it out for you.

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