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Emissions Trading Scheme (Tax)


What does it mean to you?  

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The deabate rages, or does it ? Do the great unwashed understand that which will be more than likely be legislated by weeks end ?

This is another tax, on top of the GST. Cost of fuel, groceries, electricity, cars etc WILL go up.

Will China , India , USA , Central and South America etc all fall to the knees of the Toxic Garden Gnome's piece meal legislation

supported by his best advocate Malcom Talkbull ? The mighty Australian has spoken on behalf of his alleged mandate, the world shall succumb.

BTW this is a multiple choice poll


We are going to be raped. Brace yourselvesshutup.gif

Love Kevin UN

and that Kent Paul, Farkin

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This will cost Australian jobs, as the CO2 emitting operations will just move overseas. Enough of this green bullsh1t, how about spending more time on infrastructure improvements ?

In order to get more support, Labour is sucking up to the Greens.

Edited by NB4C
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agree with the previous post. I don't mind trying not to wreck the place but if the major players don't make a big effort it is pointless and will only hurt us. Rudd had to force this through now before copenhagen presumably to get a few pats on the back but I can't see a good reason to pass it before we see what the big guys are going to do. A few months will make no difference. I'm not really convinced about the whole man made climate change thing anyway but to introduce a new tax before any other country is a bit rough. Might have something to do with the debt from the stimulus?

Between the clean feed and this crap Rudd isn't looking good for my vote.

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Scientific opinion is an oxymoron.

Think about it.

Science begins when opinions ends and testing starts. The opinion of 900 world respected scientists, or 9,000 scientists or 9 million scientists is worth nothing when compared to the results of one single experiment.

The last time the West had opinion triumph over experimental results we had the Dark Ages.

That was a time when the Clergy (Greens) stood on the pulpit (media) and decried the heretics (global warming denier) and ran the tax on sin (carbon emissions) called the Indulgence (Carbon Credit).

Yep it is a new religion being born before your eyes with dire threats of extermination if you do not pay the priests the temple offering.

In the case of the so called human induced global warming there is no experiment as such just a bunch of measurements onto which are grafted endless almost arbitrary correction factors. The correction factors are not strictly arbitrary because they are there primarily to make certain the data comes out the way it should, I.e. the data comes out in a forms that ensures the next research grant comes in - from the government - which is of course driving the new emission trading tax. For the scientists it is a case of make the data show human global warming exists or else you are and idiot and your out of a job and a career.

With respect to planetary geophysics, computer modeling, sea level rises, global thermal history, global atomosphic compositions, extinctions, flora diversity yada yada, here are some interesting facts that you can research for yourself

sea level rises and falls occur at staggering frequency in the geological record - and that is just from the data we have at hand now. More data means we can see even higher frequency events.

global warming and cooling events are same same, staggering frequency of climate change that gets even more frequent with more data.

the earth is alive and evolving and emitting staggering amounts of material, and a good portion of that material is carbon dioxide.

a staggering amount of the material is basalt which forms the ocean bottom. The

oceans are being created and destroyed. There are several new seas in creation in the middle east and you can see the form on any map or globe of the area.

global currents are pivotal to the earth's climate. There are also very fickle and can change or reroute with a single tectonic event or landslip.

the emissions from a volcanoes dwarf all human activity combined. Just measure the volumes of any major volcano on Google, then remember there is potentially thousands of cubic km of magma sitting under that rock pimple. Now remember a percentage of those cubic km are carbon dioxide.

the mid ocean ridge is essentially a volcano 23,000 km long and 2km high, it dwarfs the point volcanoes.

the air is in a sense the light fraction of magma, it is in fact the gasses that separate from magma at low surface pressures.

the magnetic poles collapse rapidly and then rebuild rapidly in the reverse direction.



Edited by aiboart
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While I believe man made global warming has yet to be proven and they are using some very shaky science to prop up their arguments and it uccurs naturally in the Earth's warming and cooling cycle.

Controlling our pollution output is a good thing, as I dont think we want to end up like China, where wholesale pollution is rampant and unchecked

It comes down to do you want to live in a place where you can still breath the air or live in a place where breathing will kill you, I think it might be worth the few extra dollars to pay for it.


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