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Surge Tanks

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A good example is my FG.

On a full tank it will run around 11.3 afr's on full boost, when the level drops to under a quarter tank, it will go I to the mid 12s and sometimes low 13s.

This is all on flat roads, such as freeways just nailing it in 4th.

It's accually showing up low fuel presure, from the pump not picking up fuel as well as it does on full tank.

I have an AEM wideband O2 metre permenetly set up in the dash so I can monitor AFR's at all times.

With the sugetank system now fitted, there's no leaning out at low levels, it sits in the 11s no matter what I do.

So surge tanks are not just for track work, they are very good insuance.

When I had my PW surge fitted my fuel was down to 80km to empty, low fuel light on, so my tuner did some testing on the dyno and my AFRs were showing dead set perfect, no surging whatso ever. Proved the value of a surge tank and that they actaully do work. Also now I have absolute confidence when my tank is low(1/4) I don't have to be gentle and rush off to fill up. Also means I have full range available for those long trips.

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With no surge tank I always used to run over 1/2 a tank. Now with a process west surge I fill up at 1/4. The last thing you want is to pull up at the lights and a hot car pull up next to you.Then you have to put down the window and say , sorry mate cant run you only have 1/4 tank and no surge. Then he laughs at you and leaves in a cloud of smoke. OWNED.

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I used my old standard pump to empty the tank once, flow dropped down heaps as it got down under 1/3 of a tank. Was quite a bit of fuel left too that the pump couldn't get, about 3/4-1" deep.

No baffles in the tank doesn't help...

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When I had my PW surge fitted my fuel was down to 80km to empty, low fuel light on, so my tuner did some testing on the dyno and my AFRs were showing dead set perfect, no surging whatso ever. Proved the value of a surge tank and that they actaully do work. Also now I have absolute confidence when my tank is low(1/4) I don't have to be gentle and rush off to fill up. Also means I have full range available for those long trips.

Just read this and it gave me a laugh. Hahah bigger pump aside, surge tank won't make a difference on a dyno. The fuel in the tank will be staying in one spot since the car is not moving..

The point of the surge tank is so the g forces dont affect your fuel pickup.

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  • HOON
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When I had my PW surge fitted my fuel was down to 80km to empty, low fuel light on, so my tuner did some testing on the dyno and my AFRs were showing dead set perfect, no surging whatso ever. Proved the value of a surge tank and that they actaully do work. Also now I have absolute confidence when my tank is low(1/4) I don't have to be gentle and rush off to fill up. Also means I have full range available for those long trips.

How rich are the afr's down low????
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I fitted one to my car before christmass and could imediately feel the difference, I would recomend it as part of any and all upgrades, for those with acsess to welding equiptment and some know how, I made my tank and had a mate weld it for me, cost me a cheese cake, here is a diagram showing some dimentions


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