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Which Turbo Falcon Will Be The Most Collectable

Guest Al@n

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Guest Al@n
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Come on Guys, lets not be too hasty about petrol there are other alternatives. Fisrtly these cars can be run on LPG. Secondly, ethonol is a fuel that we are all aware of. I am sure that they will have something in thirty years that they can run in their Bugatti's Ferrari's and Lambo's. Cheers

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ha ha, all these cars do is cost money not make money so just enjoy it, if u want to buy a collector car than buy an old falcon, try to get a k code xy or xw that is trans l for 4spd toploader and yes in 20 or 30 years it will be worth alot more, or if u can afford a gt than get one of them but u are crazy if u think they will go up in value like a phase 3 did.

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Fisrtly these cars can be run on LPG. Secondly, ethonol is a fuel that we are all aware of.

Good call, actually, when I open up my fuel cap to refill, it says its compatible with E10! That's crazy, because I only run my Turbo on 98. Would hate to see it on E10!!!

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All this talk about what will be a collectors car is really a moot point. The electronics in these cars wont last long enough for them to become a collectors item. Older models being machanical can generally be serviced to run for ever. Where will I get a new computer for a bf in 30yrs? thoughts?


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colours that appeal to people seem to be the stage left colours, like the velvet (wild plumb xys, xws xbs etc etc) magenta(chargers)

Black (mad max interceptor)

As for cars that are collectible, I think it would need to have a build number like HSV or FPV, failing that production on the I6 T would have to cease production immediately for no apparent reason, so it could be mooted along the media lines of "THE AUSSIE 6 TURBO SLAYED, FORD NOT COMMENTING!"

then you would get more media coverage like "AUSSIE 6 TURBO OWNERS, INSTANT NEST EGG"

But if the I6 is just gently fazed out like they plan to do, then it will come down to 30 years down the track with an example in mint condition, low klms, air con, and electrics all work!!! lol to pull some decent coin out of it.

Theres an add in the classifieds on another forum which I will post up for the skeptics to see of an XE GHIA for sale, only done something like 32,000klm, think the owner is chasing 23K for it!!! Now for 23K you could get a decent X-series coup!!! But it comes down to which is more desirable in the collectors eyes aye.

Heres the link to that Ghia

1982 XE Fairmont Ghia 33,100 original KM's time warp - xFalcon.com Classifieds

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