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Youtube War!


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  • Member For: 16y 3m 7d

just posted this to some american loser paying out the new fg

Look here mate, as for never gone to war (correct pronunciation) Australia has contributed to most conflicts that have happened in the past 100 years. Bore war (Africa), WW1, WW2, Borneo, Korea, Vietnam, Malayan Emergency, Gulf War, Afghanistan, and Iraq (just to name a few) and countless peacekeeping rolls. For the record we don’t start wars like America does, but when one of our allies go to war, we are there to lend a hand. Our soldiers are second to none when it comes to Military duties. (which does not include getting your triple cheese burger with bacon for lunch) our SAS makes your Military look like the bitch. They are first into combat (which includes your Iraq war to matey)

Secondly the motor in that ford has got nothing to do with Yanks, it is an Australian designed motor which has barely changed in over 30 years, with exception to Turbo and DOHC. So what if America invented Drag Racing. I am sure nobody bloody cares less (with the exception to Americans like yourself) for the record if you could get your ZR1 off the line with a 2.4 and still manage 11.57 @ 135 mph in 30+ degree heat Congrats!!!

Just some info on that Motor stock Cams, inlet manifold, Crank making 600 RWKW and More torque than I care to think about, the dyno print out shows it making 200rwkw @ 4000rpm then 600rwwk @ 4500rpm. This is an aggressive looking tune, which can be toned down for everyday use, yes 600rwkw every day sedan with stock cams and crank.

I think over ¾ of the world would think the only EPIC FAILURE here is you and your one eyed American world

(I don’t have a problem with Americans just this bloke and all his crap)

Edited by Boosted1
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That clown is not worth worrying about mate, just another loudmouth uneducated moron flapping his gums with NFI what he is talking about. My old man was WW11 sarg/maj and im proud of what he and all the other members of our defence force have done and are still doing.

Edited by tig
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  • Sucker
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He does have a valid point though....

At least my country isnt run by a bunch of down under inbred *beep* poofs whos Prime Minister looks like a chess champion from 1981!
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1981 is a bit harsh... Rudd's glasses surely put him into at least the early 90's?

But yeah, no real point getting too wound up, he's just some keyboard warrior trolling for reactions.

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  • Mmmmm......BOOST
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yeh could have thrown up some comments about their great military , sh*t they don't even need to go too war they just shoot each other at home saves on airfares , but that's probably not fair on the decent americans out there

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Still have a turbo, it's just on a diesel.
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Just another internet Troll going fishing, looks like he caught a few too. :welcome2:

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