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Just Got Booked For Speeding


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With LIDAR, you only need to discredit the officers ability to hold a laser steady at 800m without a tripod.

Most NSW police use the LIDAR in handheld mode, where they should use a mono or tripod as per the ProLaser III operations manual.

As they could not be bothered, it is easy to prove that a panning error could occur as nobody can hold such a precision instrument steady long enough to get the lock tone and be 100% accurate. I have a LIDAR and have tested it many times and can make it read +/-40km/h without much trouble. I can also make a sign speed, as it is all about movement of a beam of light.

The LIDAR footprint is only about 2m round at a distance of 1000m. If a LIDAR is used correctly, which is uncommon in NSW it is a very accurate device up to 1200m.

If you are ever booked by one, make sure you ask for the range that they aquired the reading and make note if they were using a mono/tripod.

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thanks iconic bonic but it would be max 100m as I came out the servo and put my foot down to merge into the traffic

take the good behaviour licence at 1 point for 12 months. also your previous driving has obviously led to this point

I checked out the rta web site I dont think I can can I ? I think now you just have to do the time unless you lost your licence because you ran out of dermit point

thanks trev

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Without a tone there is no reading and therefore no speed. More chance on the cosine error than 'handshake'. Anyone can make a sign, brickwall and even the harbour bridge speed by running at it.


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I checked out the rta web site I dont think I can can I ? I think now you just have to do the time unless you lost your licence because you ran out of dermit point

thanks trev

Yeah, unfortuantely all over 30 and 45 is time of the track courteous of the RTA.


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sorry to hear about your brother

but if your going to try to tell me you have never gone over the speed limit I find that hard to belive

ill be honest I always sit about 10kph over in a 100 zone but besides the 50 zone I was into today of which most days id be over the speed limit since its in the bush and has no houses on that side of the road or drive ways besides the one the copper was parked in

I dont speed in 40/50/60/70/80 zones by more than 5 kph max

No mate I am always 10 over and yep I do go a lot more than that. I Am just going through my torum and qld still states a 10% leaniency VIC has 1kmp/h and NSW 3 kmp/h.

Seeing though a tyre fitter has a 3% ratio in v ic he can fit 35's instead od 30's and your speedo is out anough to get a big fine.

I have been a wally I am an advanced instuctor and I have raced bikes since I was 10 and I am now 48. Amazingly I have made it that far.

Point is you were speeding and you got caught. Next thing every cop is an asshole. Sorry I hear it all the time and yep there are quite a few with ego/attitude problems, way too many and that's why all the good ones leave.

Stall it and ask to arrange to have it paid off. That way you dont go to court and it will take them till after xmas to decide anyway.

Sorry didnt mean to come down on ya.

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Check on the RTA website - I "think" it is listed there, points and suspensions times etc.

There is no harm in speaking to a legal adviser and see what they advise.

You may also wish to apply to have the matter heard in court and see what your story will turn into, or you could do the same and write a letter to the courts pleading for leanancy. They will review the matter, read your letter out in court and decision will be pending.

Worst case nothing will happen, matter stands and it cost you an extra 100$ and time to write the letter.

Hard luck - speeding well, it happens and I bet my farking arse that each and every single one of the people who have posted here have also been speeding at one point or another. Be it intentional for fun or whatever reason, or error, miss judgment, or unknowingly. I know doctors, lawyers, and even cops themselves that speed. Being a road user is not always the easiest thing to be 100% sure your doing the perfect thing - simple as that. We would have all at one time or another done something wrong. Simple as that!

Getting court or not is another situation, so try to understand they may appear to be 'arseholes' but hey just skip there posts bud!

Good luck with the outcome and my comment is not intended to start any sort of debate. shutup.gif


thanks mate trev

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It was explained to me many years ago, that in Vic, the speed zone does infact start as if there was a line across the road at the speed sign, it may have changed by now.

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