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Just Got Booked For Speeding


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I don't rort the system! And believe me it's the lawyers you should worry about, not us upstanding and highly ethical accountants.

Digressing for a moment, would being an accountant make me the poster boy for Team Grandpa??!!

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Well said.

Sadly, the situation will only get worse. As more people are killed, speed zones will be lowered, fines will increase, police speed traps will increase, people will be more brainwashed, and ZERO lives will be saved. How slow will the limits have to go before they realise speed isn't killing our people?

Let me put it this way. Drive in the car with your wife and 2 kids, get out on the highway and sit on 200km/h+. Then tell people that you did that speed with your family in the car. They will look at you in disgust, call you a killer, demand to know how you can travel that speed and put your family in so much danger......

then tell them you were on a holiday in Germany driving on an autobahn. All of a sudden ITS ABSOLUTELY FINE. Whats the difference????

The German autobahns are not fantastic roads, they are just well maintained. The F3 could easily become a decent Australian Autobahn with some driving training. 90km/h on a road like that is just pathetic.

I'd say the Autobahns are fantastic roads and are designed for a higher speed.. the average car over there is also designed with a higher speed in mind and the driver training is 10 times better... You can't compare it to over here..

You mention the F3, people on the F3 are killing themselves now at 110 Km/Hr and you are suggesting with some "driver training" to let them travel at higher speeds ?

You might think you are a Schumacher, and for all I know, maybe you are... But, there is no doubt that there are 1000's of drivers out there that also think they are a Schumacher and are infact, far, far from it.. and these are the ones that crash at speed and sadly manage to take a few out with them..

I certainly agree that driver training would be an essential if the Government was to seriously look at culling the road toll.... But that is a lot of dollars.. and Mr Joe average ain't going to pay for that..

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I'd say the Autobahns are fantastic roads and are designed for a higher speed.. the average car over there is also designed with a higher speed in mind and the driver training is 10 times better... You can't compare it to over here..

A the moment, no you can't. Why cant we do what the Germans do though. They are the same species believe it or not and they seem capable enough of it? They don't possess any senses or talents that we don't.

Because our governments set the standard so low. Driving skills are not required to pass a licence test here. As long as you can steer a car, parallel park a car and know enough about the road rules to pass the theory section, a licence is yours for the taking.

In most states, cars only get a roadworthy done when they change hands. Those that do get annual inspections ( only NSW from memory), the inspection isn't as thorough as it would need to be to ensure a car could operate at autobahn type speeds.

Most of the modern cars here would do fine at highter speed limits though. Many of them are sold in Germany as well after all.

As for our Fords, the only thing I think they need to be able to travel at high speed on an autobahn style road is better braking system. If you have an FPV then that's already covered.

All of these things could be changed for the better, if the pollies could be bothered. Better road toll numbers. Better road systems. Better road making and maintenance. After all, its not like all Germans are Schumacher either and they seem to be doing just fine at 200KPH.

Edited by craiginmackay
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You know what, all this talk about rasing the speed and and other crap, is bullsh*t.

If you want to drive fast like they do in germany, then go to germany.

Unfortunately, in Australia, we have speed limits, and they have to be obeyed. Because believe it or not, speed does kill, and anyone telling me it doesn't, or even if its not the most common factor of fatal crashes, are smoking some kind of f*cking dope.

It enrages me to hear people whinging about the speed limits and getting caught for exceeding them. I have lost my licence once, and been booked for speeding three other times, two times were in excess of 30 km/h.

Both times I was lucky to not lose my license, because I did what you are thinking of, and that was to go to court and slow the process down in order to save my license for 3 months. So yes I have sped, and I still do go over the limit by a few km's here and there, but if I get caught I know its my own fault.

I hope that people in general will start to learn that theres no need to go over the speed limit, because on a general driving trip, you may save 5 minutes.

And if you want to whinge about the rules and regulations set out in Australia at the present time, then tell someone who can actually do something about it. Becuase they are set out to save lives, and believe it or not, they do.

Also by the way, the speed applies from that sign, not before, and yes I do the same thing, I speed up before the sign, it is stupid it makes no difference, but if they were to put the sign 50 metres earlier, then you will actually still speed up before the sign. Its not there to try to do that speed when you pass it.

You stuffed up, you made a mistake and I know you will do it again. But take this one on the chin, lose your license for a few months and get it over, becuase when you get your license back, you will get the points lost back also.

My rant.. Chris

oh yeah and keep it on the track

Edited by wookie_666
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You know what, all this talk about rasing the speed and and other crap, is bullsh*t.

Unfortunately, the only thing that is bullsh*t are our nanny state laws that protect us from ourselves, courtesy of our pollies. If you hadn't been brain washed you would be able to see it, but they have got to you mate!

If you want to drive fast like they do in germany, then go to germany.

But why not aim for the same system here. It works! Better drivers, better travel times, better roads. No negatives that I can see.

Unfortunately, in Australia, we have speed limits, and they have to be obeyed.

I have no problems with speed limits, particularly in towns and built up areas. What I don't get is when I have to drive 330klm to the next town south on a highway that resembles something out of Mad Max at only 100kph. Fatigue becomes a very big issue and it isn't going to matter how fast I am travelling when I hit a tree after falling asleep.

Because believe it or not, speed does kill, and anyone telling me it doesn't, or even if its not the most common factor of fatal crashes, are smoking some kind of f*cking dope.

Sorry. Not smoking anything here my friend. I get drug tested far too often at work to risk it. For what its worth, according to research I have read and also had presented to me by a local copper as part of a road safety campaign aimed at people working in my workplace, fatigue is our number 1 killer on country roads and as country roads account for the majority of fatalities, that makes fatigue the most common factor, not speed. I know you won't believe that, but it is pretty compelling when a copper stands up in a room and tells you this and presents evidence to back it up. Speed is always mentioned as a contributing factor, because generally a car is not normally stationary when it hits a tree or oncoming traffic! It doesn't neccesarily mean that a vehicle involved in a fatality was speeding though. Just that it was travelling at speed.

And if you want to whinge about the rules and regulations set out in Australia at the present time, then tell someone who can actually do something about it.

Who would you recommend we tell? The pollies? That would fall on deaf ears, as there is far too much revenue raised from booking speeding motorists for them to change the way things are. It would be akin to asking them to ban poker machines. There is too much at stake for them to do that!

Becuase they are set out to save lives, and believe it or not, they do.

If they save lives please explain to me why hasn't the road toll decreased and in many cases, has increased despite more speed enforcement around the country?

Can you explain to me why the road toll went up once open speed limits were dropped and a 130KPH limit enforced in the NT?

Sadly the only thing they are interested in is the bottom line. You can't see it though because you've been brainwashed, remember? I just feel sorry for the poor coppers who have to attend these accidents and inform families. They must feel that the whole thing is hopeless, stuck in the middle of a system that is not up to scratch and the terrible waste of lives that this shortcoming takes.

Edited by craiginmackay
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And that is exactly why it's getting worse, brainwashing the electorate in to thinking that they are out there fining us all over the place to fix this perceived problem. Much easier than actually fixing the root cause.

Sorry wookie but you've been sucked in by the propaganda. :idunno:

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agreed, no point trying to draw reason from anything to do with the system. theyre out to get you, nomatter if your doing something wrong or not, they will find something! whatever it takes to get another stripe..if people were tought to drive properly they would be educated enough to know what speeds safe. australias got to be one of the most restricted countries in the world, no use fighting it its not getting any better with the ignorance getting around:P in 100yrs the speed limit will be ten kmh so nobody dies, or the world may end up like idiocracy, people to ignorant to even drive cars... how many peopele die from alco and smokes? got to laugh at the 'sense'. haha love the beurocrats...if they just understood they cant possibly pay back the reserve bank theyd stop raping us for everything weve got!! bit off topic but speed cameras are just one branch of the tree that rapes us constantly everywhere we go, financially, mentally, physcially, the big picture is a big joke all you can do is laugh

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