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Where To Buy Bigger Flapper For Wastegate Mod?


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Can you take some photos of the porting on the exhaust side (rounding it off) when you do it? I am going to make mine larger like Dave recommends but stick with the standard flapper.

He explained it all well enough but would like some photos as to what it may look like!

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Thank you for the offer Ratter. Unfortunately I ordered it and a new sleeve for the wastegate shaft today as it was damaged (Broke) when it was removed.. The housing will be getting bored out as soon as I can get to the machine shop. Then the porting will begin. I will post up some pics as it progresses.. :stickpoke:

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I am getting a local machine shop (Ruskins) to bore the wastgate hole. I will be porting the housing myself... Parts should be here tomorrow hopefully...

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I'm in the same boat as HiPSI, looking to have this mod done, but am on a tight-ass budget. Can you elaborate on what is done with the port job and the larger diameter hole (you mentioned that it isn't round???). I was thinking of having my bored out to 38mm. Maybe porting as well.


make sure you take plenty of piccys as I've got an idea of how to do this, but wanna make sure, cheers.

Edited by mattyb
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I'm in the same boat as HiPSI, looking to have this mod done, but am on a tight-ass budget. Can you elaborate on what is done with the port job and the larger diameter hole (you mentioned that it isn't round???). I was thinking of having my bored out to 38mm. Maybe porting as well.


make sure you take plenty of piccys as I've got an idea of how to do this, but wanna make sure, cheers.

A lot of people just make the hole bigger, a good port job is like getting a head ported, it's about contours etc to help the gas flow better, so more gas can flow out the same size hole for the same given amount of flapper opening. Normally only becomes a problem when a good exhaust and good flowing cooler are matched to a stronger actuator and higher power levels.

Boring the hole round can cause the edge of the flapper to catch once it is made larger.

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