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Project Manual Typhoon 9 Sec


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Not good new's mate, been through a number of member's in my family who have passed from various cancer's (Bowel, Pancreas, Blood Cancer), but on a good note had a freind that had Terminal Lung Cancer and had an operation went through remission and is now Cancer free, I wish you the very same outcome...

All the best and Goodluck...


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  • Tampon inserted, Auto Acquired, next purchase a new handbag
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Best wishes Spiro.

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Some further Updates pics, and final Motec & Ignition sytems check for engine dyno preparations... :blind: Put the volume up and enjoy :sungum: :sungum: :sungum:

post-6379-0-75796300-1340434087_thumb.jp post-6379-0-31951100-1340434261_thumb.jp post-6379-0-48751400-1340434290_thumb.jp

post-6379-0-28771400-1340434315_thumb.jp post-6379-0-05143400-1340434337_thumb.jp post-6379-0-39281800-1340434355_thumb.jp

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All the best Spiro...

f*ck everyone else at times like these... You gotta be number 1...

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gotta hand it to u spiro u have done more development on these things than nizpro, and mainly single handedly. u were into it way b4 dlm was established. weather u pay people to work on your car or not they were your decisions/ideas. there is a huge amount of passion when u spend that sort of coin and dedicate that much time. I hope the prevoius page made u laugh mate it sure did me, get well soon buddy.

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Yep mucho respect brother.. I know my mannerism can be taken out of context and occasionally I am just a primadonna but I have secretly harboured visions of a DLM powaahhplant between my shock towers since we first met...

All power and godspeed to ya ...


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It's certainly very different to other setups I've seen. Keep up the good work!

What's tapped into each runner on the exhaust manifold?

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