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Project Manual Typhoon 9 Sec


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  • Member For: 19y 10m 19d
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well mine has 36mm I/d and the small collector, but still flows unbelievably well. I dare say urz is the same by the looks of the boost curve. this car must be helping kyle out alot with his manifolds.

Or maybe it's just Kyle helping me out alot with this car? :spoton:

ahh kk, cheers mate. yer my turbs just the stocker hi mounted - t3. I always thought that having a merge collected mani would delete the need for a split pulse. but ???


Turbo is split pulse, and the manifolds still uses merge collectors. Just done a little differently.

Cheers Jamie :bye:

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  • Member For: 19y 10m 19d
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Ok, so let us put things into perspective after a few hours/day's on the road;

Traction running 285x20x35 is 0% Ist gear, 15% second gear, 30% third gear, 75% fourth gear and 100% in fifth at wide open throttle (& depending on surface's). running standard 3.73 D/Gears.

Engine noise is up by 35% when your on it however this ressembles the sweetest classical symphony to me :thumbsup:

Cams provide a great idle and do there job flourlessly delivering unmatched acceleration thus far all the way to the limiter, anti-pump lifters, Atomic ovate springs along with the cams have 100% removed the existense of valve float and lifter bleed under all conditions.

998kw Race clearences on the 650kw bottom end with girdle, Atomic tickled oil pump and matching headwork, studs etc have reduced operating temparatures by 10 deg celcius in both oil and water temps. In my view the reduced rotating mass weight has contributed to this substantially...

In hot weather with the cams it doesn't really enjoy having the air-con on at idle however Elite is working on this and they will have it sorted in no time.

In summary the toughest most insane pump fuel combination I have ever experienced, this is not for the faint hearted gentleman... Respect and experience is essential/mandatory :spoton:

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  • Member For: 19y 10m 19d
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Because you fella's have been so nice let me elaborate a little further, when running the standard cam's max torque is at around 4 to 4.5K, this is fine when you a running the standard turbo or slightly larger that gives full boost by let's say 2.5 to 3.5K depending on your running gear and tune. So your turbo kicks in and then your cam's start working shortly after which is optimal for your drive train not having both hitting at once and making 1100nm's for 500 to 1000rpm and then dropping to 600 of 700nm's right.

So when you apply a T51r, GT4294 or 02, Gt4594 or 02, your max boost comes in at around 3500 to 4000rpm at exactly the same time as your natural torque curve causing many a drama's and struggling to hold the torque up after this event exactly as mentioned above. There are ways around this with tuning, timing and race fuel however this is not optimal.

Applying this cam option has moved the engine's natural torque curve 1000-1300rpm forward to around 5000 to 5350rpm, well out of the turbo's max boost rpm, this has in turn reduced the stress level on the drive-train, provided a second kick up the backside from the engine, lengthened the higher levels and sustainability of the torque curve and provided an extra 1000 to 1200 of usable RPM simultaneously.

All in all and just within itself (cams) a very well worth while excersize or addition to any already serious package/combination.. :thumbsup:

Edited by SPIKO
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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 19y 6m 15d
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  • Location: Melb

In hot weather with the cams it doesn't really enjoy having the air-con on at idle however Elite is working on this and they will have it sorted in no time.

There's a Idle table relation to A/C which may help sort this out.

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