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Sump Replaced!


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My "T" has around 18000k's on it, after three or more trips to service they come to the conclusion the thread for the sump plug is "stretched", "it may require a helicoil" - WTF - I insisted on a new sump, so I get the car back after removing the front end to replace the sump. It wonders all over the place under brakes and follows every rut in the road, now prior to this the wheels had been aligned balanced and rotated, the car was driving perfectly, so I went back to service did they do a wheel alignment, NO there mechanic knows how to do it so its not required, so while I'm at it, did you replace the oil? NO we put the crap with 4000k's on it (and bits of sump thread probably) back in your 50000 dollar car.

Oh gee I feel looked after. NOT

What do you do??

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...did you replace the oil? NO we put the crap with 4000k's on it (and bits of sump thread probably) back in your 50000 dollar car.

Oh gee I feel looked after. NOT...

I would be so p*ssed off if that was me. What I really hate is that these service guys DONT care. No offence to anyone. They just dont give a sh*t whether there is bits of metal in your oil so they decided to re-use it because it will take them less time than putting new and fresh oil in there. What they dont realise is that this car is your pride and joy.

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  • DavoXT
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Stuff me dead they used the old oil, I am pissssssssssssssssssed and its not my car.

Sorry to here that mate, how dum am I for thinking its only West Aust with bad dealerships.

Hey it could be worst!

You might have been on hoildays in the west and gone to NORTHWEST FORD KARRATHA and they would have used the old stuffed threaded sump plug or did they?

When they replaced the motor on my XTV8 they removed the front end and did not do a wheel alignment and now the front tyres are stuffed with only 14000km.

Thanks again NORTHWEST FORD KARRATHA your dealership suc!s.

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This just has to be the height in stupidity! Would any of their so called mechanics do this to there car, I think not! I know you shouldn't have too but I would be changing the oil & filter straight away.

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What a bunch of W@nks, can't they stop an think for a sec, "Ohhh gee if we put the old oil back in with bits of crap in it won't it cause damage to the motor and have to be fixed/replaced under wanranty and make extra work for us??" nah, they just don't think that way, ppfft bunch of d!cks

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I have not and would not put the old oil back in a car no matter how old it is, I wunder if they charged ford for new oil on the warranty claim?

You have every right to go back and demaned your oil be changed and noted on your file that it had been put back in when sump was replaced so that infuture if motor has internal problems that can be traced to this you have proof who caused the fault.just a little insurence for you.

I now have my own workshop but when I was forman at a ford dealer this sort of thing would not have been tolarated.

As for wonder you should get it checked by a tyre shop before it cost new tyres and than take the report back to the dealer.


P.s. this type of service is just not to be tolarated.

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I know that Ford won't allow a dealer to claim the coolant if they have to repair a part of your cooling system, the coolant has to be drained and then put back in once the repair is done. Not sure about oil though. I had my auto on the XR6T worked on 3 times in the first 800km and the trans fluid was replaced everytime in my case.

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I know that Ford won't allow a dealer to claim the coolant if they have to repair a part of your cooling system, the coolant has to be drained and then put back in once the repair is done. Not sure about oil though. I had my auto on the XR6T worked on 3 times in the first 800km and the trans fluid was replaced everytime in my case.

I'm damn sure they won't be able to claim the sump or the oil considering they stuffed the thread!

What bugs me is this isn't the first time they've stuffed me about and it seems they are making no effort to improve things.

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Hey NT

sorry to hear your story.

You want me to give 'em cr@p about it when

when I put my T in??

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