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!Help! Lost All Oil Pressure


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  • RUS531
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well theres good news,

I pulled the oil filter off and cut it open with the proper tool, removed the inside filter and sliced out the paper element so I could stretch it out to find any bits of shrapnel.... and there was nothing! the filter was nearly 7500ks old (just about to be changed anyway).

Next I took off the rocker cover to have a look at the cams and down the front of the timing case again there wasn't anything to be seen. there was a couple of very small bits of alloy but I'm confident they had came from the bolts apon removal. I also removed #3 camshaft cap and there was no sign of excessive wear. Gave the father in law a look and he reckoned it looked perfectly fine. I managed to take a picture of the cam seats in the cap but then the camera went flat so I will post up the picture in the morning and you can be the judge. When I re-installed the cap according to a book I have, I torqued the six cap bolts to 10NM each. The book is one of those manuals that those people develop by pulling down and rebuilding the vehicles. I got it from supercheap for 40 something bucks.

I have to go back to emerald to work for a week so hopefully the week after that I will have a new atomic oil pump to install.... I may have gotten away lucky on this one. Or maybe it was thanks to some good oil that might have saved it. If the cams and the running gear in the head are alright would it be safe to say the bottom end has survived as-well? Time will tell...


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That is good news, but I am sure the oil did play a part in not causing damage.

This is why I use Nulon as it has the additives that will protect the motor if it is starved of oil.

From memory they drove form Sydney to Melbourne without oil after treating it with nulon to prove it works.

As others have mentioned, you may be best to replace the bearings. I have always been a fan of replacing them after you have taken the caps off.

They look fine in the picture :beerchug:

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  • RUS531
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thanks zap, that's funny because I use Nulon 10w-40 fully synthetic.

guys can you give me some info on what bearing yous are talking about. I'm a little hand with a spanner but engines aren't my strong point. the caps on top of the cams obviously do not house any bearings so there are none to be replaced there. I know there are bearings in the bottom end but which ones should I look at replacing?

My plan was to try and replace the oil pump with the motor still in the engine bay.... what do yous think?

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You dont need to take the engine out , just drop the subframe. If the gears have failed the housing will be smashed. You should replace with a set of billet gears in a new or good second hand housing. Make sure you get the relief valve modified ( nizpro offer this). You may be lucky and have less damage than you think. Have you identified it is definitely failed pump gears. If it is I bet your car is Manual. Make sure you get a magnifying glass and inspect the snout of the crank. Excessive damage will necessitate a change.

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Drop the subframe? And support the engine with a hoist anyway? I'd rather take the motor out and be comfortable working on the thing - but that's just me.

Atomics oil pumps already have the larger relief circuitry in them too, do it once, do it right :stirthepot:

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  • RUS531
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You dont need to take the engine out , just drop the subframe. If the gears have failed the housing will be smashed. You should replace with a set of billet gears in a new or good second hand housing. Make sure you get the relief valve modified ( nizpro offer this). You may be lucky and have less damage than you think. Have you identified it is definitely failed pump gears. If it is I bet your car is Manual. Make sure you get a magnifying glass and inspect the snout of the crank. Excessive damage will necessitate a change.

From looking down the front of the timing case I couldn't see anything smashed, I havent 100% proven its the gears that have smashed yet, I guess all of that will be revealed once the pump is out. With the noise coming out the front of the timing case and no oil pressure I don't know what else it could be. Yes its a manual.

Drop the subframe? And support the engine with a hoist anyway? I'd rather take the motor out and be comfortable working on the thing - but that's just me.

Atomics oil pumps already have the larger relief circuitry in them too, do it once, do it right :stirthepot:

I'm going to go with an atomic oil pump... however it would be so nice just to send the whole thing down to brad and get an engine back that leaves you with no doubts.

The more I think about it the more I want to wait until ive seen everything before ordering a pump

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they are 698kw motors now mate and that's what I have with a girdle and atomic harmonic balancer.. dus12 made over 500rwks with his and run it for a fair while according to brad which he told me when I got mine built.. you can make more power then the standard turbo will produce safely.. but that will come down to who tunes your car too..

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