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!Help! Lost All Oil Pressure


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  • RUS531
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Ok so its been a while so its about time for an update.

My engine is about to came back from atomic as a 698 Long motor with a race girdle.

I'm still waiting on my Plazmaman Polished Plenum and Plaz-to-Niz Piping, talked to Chris the other day and hopefully it will be here very shortly.

I bought a process west CAI which looks the goods. I couldn't wait and had to test fit it. The size of the filter is huge in diameter. The website shows a filter that looks like a K&N. but mine came with a big UNI filter unit.

This brings me to my next point. The battery Relocation. I cant justify the cost of the Battery relocation kits on the market, and personally do not like the position where the battery ends up. Ie in behind the bumper or under the plenum. I know Plazmaman position theirs un the air box which I reckon besides the cost, is the better of the options. So anyway I bought a battery box and did it myself.

The ute factor in this process makes it pretty easy because you have a whole heap of space to work with...

So I mounted the Battery box in the tray securing it with 3/8th bolts rather than the strap it was supplied with. Finding the right location was easy but not as straight forward as you might think. I had to find a position that would allow me to bolt it through steel that is under the plastic and not through the reinforcement that run across underside of the tray. Jack one side of the ute up, put it on stands and have a look around.


Here is where mine ended up.


As you can see the lid is held on buy elastic loops which I bought from a local upholster (thanks gravelrash)

Behind the box is two 25mm hole where I ran the cables through


Cable..... While each to their own and some might think this is over kill, I used 50mm2 welding flex. This stuff is double insulated, can handle more current than my stereo and car can draw, and should hopefully offer LITTLE/NO voltage drop between the battery and the front of the car.

Ok the front of the car. I went a local auto lecky and got a red and black 10mm insulated stud. Fixed them to a similar place process west mounts theirs.


The factory battery terminals are crap to say the least.... sure they do the job but don't offer flexibility to add other cables. So I cut them off and replaced them with 25mm2x10mm lugs. Most decent battery terminals with have a 10mm stud with a wing nut or a 10mm bolt in them so if I go back to factory I only have to bolt these lugs to the new terminals I am using on the batter anyway.

For those who have seen my thread on the hard lid lights, I have run the new +Ve cable the same way. That is through the chassis rail. This offers and easy route and more importantly mechanical protection for the cable.



The -Ve is terminated at the front at the Black insulated post and the factory ground point for the engine. At the tray I simply terminated at the battery and a bolt underneath that secures the tray to the chassis via a 10mm Bolt



The most important thing about doing a battery relocation is cable protection. You are moving your battery further away from the starter motor which mean more cable has no over current protection... you do not want your battery shorting out. It could cost you more than a new battery.

Also don't run two cables to your battery (+ & -) Your car is one big conductor so ground at the body and keep the cables short. If do your could end up with starting problems due to an increase in resistance.

Any way that's my rant. enjoy


Edited by RUS531
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hey mate nice work on the battery relocation. I was at atomic on monday stripping some motors and saw your motor finished off and watched them test run it looks great and nice to see you went all out on it lol :beerchug: ..

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  • RUS531
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Thanks mate. Really? that's awesome.... didn't take any pics did you.... I'm diein to see it. Brad's sending me a swag of photos but hasn't got around to it yet... Yeah I wanted it done properly...quiet Christmas for me though lol

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no I did not get any photos mate sorry I was going to but totally forgot.. brad was taking a heap of photos when I was there so you should get a few lol.. haha yeah I no the feeling of a quiet christmas cos of cars lol.. should look sweet with a polished plazmaman plenum.. they put on a chrome looking power coated timing cover so it should look good in the car..

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  • RUS531
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I'll be happy with 400rwkw. My turbo will nearly be out of puff at that point I would say. but I think the engine will be comfortable at that level.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RUS531
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  • Location: Emerald QLD

So santa came yesterday and look what he gave me.







Here are some pics of the new airbox installed too






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