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!Help! Lost All Oil Pressure


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  • RUS531
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Hey guys please help,

After a "spirited" 1st to 2nd gear change earlier tonight, the engine has lost all oil pressure. The engine was still running but both the oil pressure indicatior on the cluster was on, and my gauge was reading nothing. I pulled over as soon as I could and shut her off popped the bonnet expecting to see oil everywhere but there was nothing, not even a smell other than what you would expect from a hot motor. I was thinking (hopefully) maybe a sensor error, so I cautiously started again, no oil pressure and there was a small noise comming from the front of the engine that sounded like something was broken/loose. It was like a click-click-click like a something loose or gears not meshing properly. So I am thinking the oil pump has obviously failed and smashed itself. I had been driving the ute all day and was warmed up fully.

How hard is it to get to the oil pump to have a look? And how are these driven? are they off the crank shaft.

Feel free everyone to throw suggestions, thoughts, or past experiences out there. I need a bit of direction and better understanding on how the oil pump works on these motors. All I know is that they are of the gear type.



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  • RUS531
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Havin a chat to the partner's old boy and he said the noise I was hearing could be the slack in the timing chain, due to there beeing no oil pressure in the chain tensioner, if that's the way it works. It could be the gears the are f@rked but it could be something simple....

Any suggestions?

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You basically need to strip the front of the motor to get to the oil pump, and from memory you need to drop the sump to do that, so its an engine out job. First step would be to pull the rocker cover off and see if you can see any shrapnel or if the timing chain is loose.

Good luck mate :beerchug:

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  • RUS531
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Thanks for the info Senna. I was going to pull the oil filter off and cut it open to look for steel. Stupid questions but what would a loose timing indicate?

Unfortunatly im not at home, im visiting the other half in gladstone so it makes things a little difficult... but her dad has an aircraft workshop with an engine hoist plenty of tools and jacks. That said, would it be worth having a go at the repair work myself. A local performance shop quoted me about $1200 for an atomic oil pump does this sound right or should/can I go through atomin directly.



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Seak to Brad at Atomic directly mate, he's always happy to help out and his customer service is top notch :bliss:

If the timing chain is loose then it can possibly tell you if the oil pump has exploded as the chain runs off a sprocket in front of the oil pump, I've seen one get destroyed as a result of this before.

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  • RUS531
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Beat ya to it senna, I rang him and had a chat just after I posted my last message. You are right too mate, he is excellent to talk to and answered all of my questions, very very helpfull!!

well the oil pump is about 200 bucks cheaper if I buy it through him. What ever I do with the engine I think I will pull it out and do it myself with the help of the father in-law. I cant justify paying the extra grand or so to pull an engine out and put it back in by a workshop.

So my options are:

Replace the oil pump if there is no visible damage to the internals and risk possible future damage.

New short motor which atomic now supply with an oil pump. 5k - 6k (if the cams ect are alright and havent experienced excessive wear)

Just bite the bullet pull the cash somewhere out of my arse and get the whole box and dice for 8k - 9k.

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