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Free Fuel From Melbourne To Canberra?


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  • Member For: 19y 10m 25d
  • Location: Canberra

Hi guys

I was wondering if anyone was planning on driving from Melbourne to Canberra in the not too distant future? I've seen some bar stools (in Melbourne) that I'd like to buy on eBay, but am having serious trouble being able to find a way to get them back to Canberra (most couriers want them fully boxed, seller unwilling to find suitable box, etc, etc). If anyone is planning on driving from Melbourne to Canberra, and has some spare space in their car, I'd be very happy to pay for your fuel if you're willing to pick up these stools and deliver them to me. Pick up in Melbourne is in South Yarra, drop off in Canberra can be anywhere (I will drive to meet you). There are four bar stools, each about 67cm tall and 35cm x 32cm wide/deep. They're made of aluminium so should be very light.

If anyone can help me out I'd be most grateful - either reply to this thread, PM me or email me direct at bugster70@iinet.net.au

As I said, I'd be happy to cover the cost of your fuel or come to some other arrangement if you wish. Thanks guys, hope to hear from someone!

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Hey Mate,

Have you tried contacting a few furniture removals to see if they have any back loads available? They are usually pretty cheap and the guys on the truck will just wrap the stools in blankets? I'm pretty sure you should be able to find one that is running from Melbourne to Canberra.

Good Luck,


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  • Member For: 19y 10m 25d
  • Location: Canberra

Thanks for the suggestion Ben, annoyed I didn't think of that myself. Just a matter of trying to find some spare time during the day to ring a few places, but I'll get onto it when I can!

As for driving to Melbourne, not a bad idea, except work and family commitments mean my free/spare time is rare/valuable - plus the drive down the Hume to Melbourne is boring as batsh1t. :(

My offer still stands if anyone is planning a trip anyway and wants to reduce the overall cost.

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  • Member For: 22y 4m 14d
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Closer to 9 hours...

If your not in a hurry for them Buggy I could pick them up now and deliver over the Christmas period sometime... :bliss:

Dags Delivery Services.

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  • Member For: 19y 10m 25d
  • Location: Canberra

Wow, 9 hours, there you go - I certainly couldn't justify that to the wife (and kids!) for 4 bar stools. :fool:

Dags, is that an offer mate? I'm in no particular rush (the wife may have different ideas) and if you're serious about that, I'll talk to my better half tonight and get back to you (the auction ends tomorrow, so I need to move reasonably quickly for stage one). Dunno where you are, but the stools are in South Yarra - is that too far from you?

Haven't been on the forums regularly recently, but you've just reminded me why I love it so much/keep coming back! :biggrin:

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  • Member For: 22y 4m 14d
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Yup no problemo mate.

Let me know where to pick em up from, get the sellers contact details so I can arrange a time to pick em up.

We'll discuss the 5 bucks a day storage fee at a later date... :biggrin:

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