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My Build To A 9Sec 1/4

d rangd

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  • Member For: 16y 5m 22d

I don't think there is anything wrong with progress payments especially for smaller shops, as long as it has been agreed that x amount will be paid after so much work then some more when the next section is done. A shop up my way just closed down and word is unpaid accounts played a big part, no doubt management could have been better though. If customer owes you 15k and their car is worth 7 or 8 in resale and they decide to walk away that's a big hole left even if you can sell the car.

I found with the shop above as time progressed it was really up to me to chase updates. I used to feel like I was being a pain in the arse but if you keep regular contact they'll be less likely to push you to the side for smaller instant profit jobs. Being a nice and patient guy just doesnt pay off.

Sorry to hear about the delays, bolt ons shouldn't be such a mission.

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  • Member For: 16y 2m 27d

yeah man its sh*t when I feel like a nuisance dropping in once a week to check up rather than call, and every time nothing has been done and I get given some new excuse...but what im getting done is very straight foreward (not heres 50k and I want 1000hp, do whatever it takes). I did my own research and bought my own parts that I was happy with from reading up (very appreciative of the helpfull people out there that give their valid advice from experience, not because they want you to buy a bunch of gear that they can make more profit on blah blah)...all they are really doing is turning the spanners on the bunch of parts I gave them..and doing the tune. as far as id think (in my own opinion) that's a relatively easy job that the only money fronted by the company is labor...they arent forking out mega dollers for stuff I havent paid for, or doing anything that is unheard of/untested. but yeah just a bit sh*t how it all works and how they can pretty much tell you anything..make sure you are convinced the shop has a good rep if your a step behind me..

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  • Member For: 16y 2m 27d

nah man im on holidays, get home in a couple of weeks, and if the things not done, im going to put it on a towtruck and take it to another shop mark my words. still stewing on it. but getting the autronic installed (well I gave them the computer, if they do any work that's another story...). only putting about 20psi through it till I get the rear end done, get slicks and suspension setup. ill take it for a few runs with street tyres then get a cage and take it to a real shop for a good tune then hopefully run some good times. id say its a while away though, would be good if you could just put it in a shop and get it all DONE!!

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  • Member For: 16y 9m 1d
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  • Location: brisbane

hope it all comes good in the end for you mate.pm the shonks name to me so I make sure I dont go there. sounds like hes waiting for profit from other jobs to fund yours.Bloody Poor Service.

Edited by bluprinturbo
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  • Member For: 16y 2m 27d

hope it all comes good in the end for you mate.pm the shonks name to me so I make sure I dont go there. sounds like hes waiting for profit from other jobs to fund yours.Bloody Poor Service.

I wouldnt be so upset if they were fronting parts for me, but I gave them the parts (a sh*tload of them) and said here chuck these on and do a tune. only parts they fronted was a few fuel fittings and some fuel hose, plus probly 50 hours labor. not a big job in any case. that's right haaha Bloody Poor Service

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