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My Build To A 9Sec 1/4

d rangd

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  • Member For: 16y 3m 24d

haah brandon its just started. my BRAND NEW turbo from etm has a blown seal on the turbine side. I think ceramic coating voids the warrantly right? COOOOLLLL so im going a brand new billet gtx4202r in 1.44 a/r. another few weeks off. anybody got better luck than me :buttrock:

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  • Member For: 16y 3m 24d

its fine on idle and driving around, but kent said once up to temperature and reving its very smoky, like the seal is gone. so we just have to find out if the feeds clean, and the oil isnt coming from anywhere else like the rings or valve stems...but if the turbo is broken, hopefully its just seals, ill get a new gtx turbo and fix and sell this one...wait and see but this is doing my head in. been disappointment after disappointment that's all this cars been giving me :buttrock:

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  • Member For: 16y 3m 24d

Obviously BPS hasnt delivered in this case :icon_ford: ...goodluck d rangd

haha that's a massive understatement. I was looking for a performance shop, and in this case I found a shop where you PAY to have your car DESTROYED :-D

well turbo is not f*cked, BUT, there was a sh*tload of oil in the exhaust...how would this happen? I can only think that it had the wrong restrictor valve in the oil feed and too much oil was being forced into the bearings so it pushed past the seals into the exhaust??? ORRR someone at some point has poured oil into the exhaust, but I dont want to start thinking someone has done something like that...how would oil get into the exhaust, taking into account the engine is fine, and the turbo is fine...its all cleared out now and the car is running good. pickup tomorrow hopefully...but ill have to get the exhaust taken off and cleaned now ffs

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