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Engine Missfiring After Car Wash


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Hi All,

I have a BA 2004 Turbo Auto Sedan. The other day I had driven my car through a automatic car wash and as I went to leave the car engine was missing.Not just on cylinder but 2-3. I had driven it for about 1 hour home and it was still missing. After leaving it for 3 days I went for a drive and it had driven fine for about 2 mins then started missing again. Since then I have installed 6 new coil packs and 6 new plugs but it hasent made one bit of difference. You leave it for 6-8 hrs and will run perfect for about 2 mins then start missing again. I think I have water in somthing somewhere. Can any please help its driven me nuts.

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After cleaning the engine bay a couple of times on my old BA XR6T, I had a similar experience. It was water settling around the spark plugs. Once I dried it all up and the leads all was good.

If you have changed plugs and coilpacks then this is not likely to be the case. :fool:

Was it just an exterior carwash or did they clean your engine bay as well?

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  • Member For: 16y 11m 21d
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mate not really shore I cant say this has happend to me or anyone I know after a wash. my friend had a miss problem that was on and off and turned out to be fuel pump. but we changed and checked so much stuff it was not funny.

you have checked plugs and coil. maybe you should check your intake and Throttle body and plugs connections. also check your exhast bolts. check battry connections. boost solernoid. like any t/shooting its a prosses of elemination. go for the easy stuff to check first.

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has happened to my work car, and continues to happen, its an 05 RTV ute, ford have changed the coil packs, dried the water around the plugs, even gone as far as pulling the head off, and it still happens, I've since resorted to NEVER taking the 'T' through a drive through again. Ford have no idea whats causing it.

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  • Member For: 16y 8m 5d

No the car wash is a drive in one.. Its sprays under the car as you enter the wash... It had done it before but only missfiring for about 5 mins then came good. Its also isnt getting water in under the coil pack cover.. I checked that first... Is the silver box near the air box ( I think its the ecu) is it water tight?. I drove it tonight and same thing. Ran perfect for about 2 mins and then started missfiring again.. but this time if u try and push the petal past half way or full petal it will miss until the motor is close to stalling..

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