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Mechanical Issues


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  • Member For: 15y 10m 23d

Hey all.

Over the last few weeks my car has sort of been cutting in and out (sounds like a gurggling type of noise) under boost at approx 2500rpm on wards. It only happens when you put your foot down ie to over take or a bit of a squirt. Driving normal it doesnt happen.

Also this morning the missus was driving to work, when she was on the freway, the speedo cut out and went to zero km, the rpm went up to about 4000rpm and her speed started dropping. The (D) on the dash also started flashing.

Does anyone have any insight as to what maybe the problem.

At first I was diagnosing either plugs or coils.

After this mornings episode I am thinking maybe ecu??

Help would be appreciated.

Edited by XR-6003
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  • Member For: 15y 10m 23d

why would this be a gearbox problem??

With the spluttering and boost issues and then shutting down this morning??

However my mechanic did advise I will be up for a new radiator as he found brass shavings in my gearbox

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Also this morning the missus was driving to work, when she was on the freway, the speedo cut out and went to zero km, the rpm went up to about 4000rpm and her speed started dropping. The (D) on the dash also started flashing.

did the revs go up or just the tacho needle? If the motor started to rev and the speed started to drop it sounds like a separation between the gearbox and the motor. is it a 4speed?

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the issue with car on freeway is the auto going into limp mode that's why D was flashing it would have locked into 3rd gear wich is why revs went up and speed went down

the engine cutting in and out could be caused by the auto too , if the ecu picks up the auto is not handling the power it will cut the engine power back

as for your rad I don't know what brass has to do with it if there is a problem in your radiator it will be a split between the trans cooler and engine cooling sections wich will mean your trans is full of rad fluid and probably not working real good

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  • Member For: 15y 10m 23d

It is a 4spd yes the revs went up and the speedo needle went to zero and speed started dropping.

Why would the car go into limp mode for?? What was the issue behind that?

Apparently when he drained the gear box fluid he found brass shavings in there.

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  • Member For: 17y 4m 27d
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Up for a new radiator because of brass shavings in the gearbox? :beerchug:

Check your coolant (check the overflow tank in the engine bay), if there's signs of oil in it, your radiator has leaked gear box oil into your radiator, and trans oil into your coolant. Might be your problem right there :pinch:

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