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Anyone With A G6ET Owner's Manual Online?


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IMO, the G6ET has the all features of a granpa's chariot; large family sedan, lots of chrome, reverse sensors, camera, acres of leather, electric seat and windows, zf auto, good ride and handling, reading glasses holder etc. The only exception is that JET engine. And maybe the ipod interface thingy..

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IMO, the G6ET has the all features of a granpa's chariot; large family sedan, lots of chrome, reverse sensors, camera, acres of leather, electric seat and windows, zf auto, good ride and handling, reading glasses holder etc. The only exception is that JET engine. And maybe the ipod interface thingy..

Yes, it most certainly does! Our neighbour over the road is probably 75 now and he gets a new car about every 12-18 months... the number of "grandpa" cars he's had is unbelievable! He did have an Aurion (that only lasted 6 months!) actually... but the funny thing is, he's got a VW Golf diesel now and he reckons it's fast :P Little does he know...

And yeah, the engine has got a LOT to do with why I'm looking at a G6ET. I'm addicted to turbos, and it's a pretty big engine anyway - so put the two together = very fast car :)

Oh, I'll be buying a 160GB iPod classic just for this car - which will give me a comparatively unlimited amount of musical options compared to now, which is basically a single disc CD player that can't read mp3's - so I have about 20 CD's in each car all over the place...

The Bluetooth phone integration will be great also, as will the satnav. Just heard that they're considering making it illegal to use a satnav application on a phone as opposed to a dedicated satnav unit - wtf? Why!? So if they do, I've got integrated satnav to save me there :) It's got it all! Oh yeah, that's the very definition of a "grandpa" car - but I don't care! Might just repaint the chrome grille black but other than that, I like it how it is!

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Haha, another 28 yo! Who said this car was meant for old farts? :roflmbo:

Hey!!!!!!!! You young 28 year old wipper snappers, enough of the "old" bit okay!!!!! :beerchug: I might be a fart with a Ford cardigan though. :roflmbo:

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LOL, at least you're not driving a bloody Avalon or Camry!! :roflmbo:

28 is a bad age - you get called "old fart" from all your younger brother's and sister's friends, and you get "youung whipper snapper" from all you blokes!! :sick:

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lol...only 29 myself :sick: Have just embraced the image.

BRB - Antiques Roadshow will be on soon. Hope I haven't missed it :roflmbo:

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BRB - Antiques Roadshow will be on soon. Hope I haven't missed it pinch.gif

I have the box set , do you want me to burn you copies ? or will the highlights package suffice

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