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House Trailers - Farkin



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Saw one the other day, HUGE mobile home being towed by a camry I think it was a 4 cylinder too. This was on a freeway so easy to overtake but can imagine being stuck behind one on a single lane road. So often I wish I had a 4wd with a nice bull bar to remind the *beep* to hurry up or move over.

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So often I wish I had a 4wd with a nice bull bar to remind the *beep* to hurry up or move over.

Haha, my grandad got shunted up the arse by a truckie for driving too slow in his VP

I've been a passenger in his car. I don't blame the truckie...

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I have an idea...

At all times have a leb flag handy in the back seat... when encountering a trailer trash or camper van... proceed to open your sun roof, or put down your window for those of us without a glass roof and wave the flag...

Guarantee in the middle of no where, on a highway, you will be free to drive without further delay from mar and par kettle with the holiday home on wheels!!!



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only time ive ever nearly had a serious crash was behind a f*cking caravan....

travelling in a 110 zone, come upon a caravan driven by a clearly senile old coot who couldnt even drive in a straight line, weaving over both lanes every few seconds... I waited I reckon 3 minutes before the twit had the brains to look in his mirror and see me and think "DUHH I might stay in MY lane so the person behind me can pass.."

finally he stays in his lane, I drop it back to 5th start going around him, get to about his rear 1/4 panel and the stupid old f*ck starts coming into my lane VERY QUICK!!

I had to ditch into the dirt at 130+..... thank christ there were no guide markers where I had to leave the road!

I had it kinda sideways but stayed on the gas as I had enuf momentum from overtaking to manage to get back in front of him so I rammed on the anchors got down to about 30kmph screamed all sorts of lovely words at them, had the finger goin then dropped a huge boost slide in 3rd and left the old wankers to try kill some1 else.

they are ALL just as bad, I now treat every caravan on the road like sh*t.

Edited by Trough Lolly
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I just came back from a drive to perth and back from sydney and there are a couple of points.

Caravaners are on the whole inconsiderate beeaaarches. Never had one move over, no matter how many people were holding them up.

But.... Coppers seam to understand that, and I have never been done if I was clearly overtaking a caravan. This does provide some excitement when doing 110kmh "cough" for 12 hours.

If you get pissed with them, imagine truckies, they find it hard to overtake them (uphills where most overtaking lanes are, I think these drongos speed up). I am sure some funny business goes on at overnight stops when a truckie recognises some dipshnit van who's daily highlight -(RANT STARTS HERE)- was seeing what the best mileage he could get out out of his 5 year old patrol towing a 2 ton van at 70kmh in a 100 zone while his misses spends 4 hours tring to get his wrinkled old prune $%^& hard so they can save $20 by not using Viagra tonight and put it towards maccas tomorrow, which will take them gudamn 20 minutes to decide and change their minds 20 times before finalising their order (I just butt in, and order for them as they always end up geting the same thing - 1x 30 cent cone and a bottomless cup of coffee - and that's half their day sorted). Then they will go and fill up again (10th time today) because then need to take a piss every 30 minutes and they leave their vans parked across all the fuel pumps (I am sure they look specifically to block the 98 octane ones). God forbid you ever meet any in a pub as they will bore the life out of you and you end up trying to introduce them to the guy in the corner that looks like he is straight out of wolf creek just because there is a small chance (but still a chance) that "something" might happen to them. - better stop now - getting all antsy in my pantsies.

Might have to start an action group and make some stickers for people to stick on their cars, - called something like: PANCREATIC










C_ _ _'s

Better get back to work now

Edited by rockafellqeinstien
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Gold Coast to the Sunshine Coast , Sunshine Coast to Gold Coast

And you didnt drop in to see me.... :buttrock:

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