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Xcal 3 Dramas


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Today I plugged in my xcal 3 tuner into my new bf f6 just to see if it worked and all was sweet (was veryy bored). I had the xcal 3 previously tuned to my old Ba xr6t ute. So I decided to see if that tune will go into the f6. A way I go downloading the custom tune into my car and then it hits around 28% and fail :beerchug: . car does not start, so I try to put it back to stock and it hits around 28% of the download and it says download failed. :buttrock: . The car does not start, I cant even hear the fuel pump engage when the key is turned into acc. The engine wont even try to kick over the lights will flash as if it is about to start. HELP needed!

Edited by J0sh
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Mate that was not a smart move as it is VIN locked to your old car.

I cannot recall anyone who has done that before, but you may have corrupted your ECU.

I would try to disconnect the battery for 10 mins and then try to start it once it is connected.

If this does not work, you may have to take it back to ford and either get them to flash the stock program or you may be up for a new ECU.

Do not try to flash it again as the box will have the BA stock tune, not the F6's. They only get the stock tune on the very first flash, when the box is new.

Let us all know what the result is so we can all learn on what happens.

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Wow! Just wow!

I'd never heard of anyone brave or silly enough to try what you did shocked.gif

Keep us updated and let us know the outcome of this.

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  • Member For: 16y 3m 3d
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  • Location: Pertthh W.A

Yeah ill give my tuner a call and let yous know the outcome. This is what happens when u get itchy fingers lol. Whats a new ecu worth?

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