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Xr6 Power Enough For A Family Of 4?


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Ive been racking my brain on wether to spend the extra $$ and get the FG turbo or stick with a xr6 n/a?

I want to know if you guys recon the non turbo 4.0, will be sufficiant power wise with all that load when we go on a family trip? Or go with the turbo for extra power? I have 2 kids who love their toys and my Mrs. So 4 of us in total and we enjoy our long drives.

Do you guys recon im doing the wrong thing in going for a turbo especially with 2 young kids? The mrs will use it as a daily driver to get to work 5mins away and to drop the kids off at child care. I wont be modding the XR6T if I go with one, so its safer for them.

Reason I am asking this is I havent experienced the XR6 n/a yet so would like some thoughts and opinions.


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I dont think you'll be dissapointed with the extra power of the fg t. just drive it responsibly when the kids are with you. a good role model is always the key. they look up to you, not the car!! plus I think the fuel economy is better with the turbos. my xr6 n/a is doing around 16 litres/100 km. some guys are getting around 10-12 city and about 7-8 on the freeways with a t. (I could be wrong). but that's my poinion.

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I think there is more than adequate power and torque in the N/A 4L I6 engine and its linear power delivery is MUCH easier to live with. My previous car; a bmw e90 325i with the bimmer 2.5 ltr inline 6 cyl engine (rated at 160 kw/250 nm) and the 6-speed zf auto, did just fine for my family (wife plus 1 young boy). And it was a hefty sedan too (nearly 1600 kg) with all the gizmo's, nav, leather and sunroof etc.

IMO, the fg turbo is a "SAVAGE BEAST"! Have to be extra careful otherwise it can get you in BIG trouble. Especially on wet road, it can be hard to balance all that torque; 533 nm @ 2000 rpm. ABIT too much throttle, the beast can jump to the other side of the road in no time at all. It scared the heck out of my mrs once and that was it for her. She's a reasonably competent driver and has been driving for over 20 years but she will not drive my G6ET for any reason! My mrs does the usual daily school and woolies runs as well but in her old impreza gx only.

If your heart is set on the turbo than get a decent and safe second hand car for her if you can afford it otherwise you can't go wrong with the N/A xr6 on both driveability and safety front.

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Thanks for the help fellas.

I think I will stick with the Turbo. Thank god my Mrs drives like a grandma so Im confident she wont stick it in a ditch somewhere on a rainy day..heheheh

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Guest XR09
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I have a Fg n/a. while I am not happy with the power it makes, it is still adequate, and will be enough to get you where you want to go and not really dissapoint you nor embarress you. It still has more than enough to have fun with and get you into a whole lot of trouble.

I would not have the turbo untill I had the extra four grand for decent suspension and another four to seven and a half grand for brakes. the std suspension barley copes with the 200kw the n/a makes. On the turbo it just plain scares the crap out of me.

Don't forget your insurance and running premiums.

If your not gunna go pretty damm hard then why have a turbo.

The difference between the two is your kids school fees

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The 3-link IRS can struggle big time with the turbo torque on dry road but when there's h2o on the road it can be down right dangerous. Am not too worry about the ditch but the on-coming traffic!

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