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Huge Police Blitz In Lilydale 18Th Sept (Vic)

Mr Turbo

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I received a defect in my ute for being to Low a few months ago from the melb coppers usual blitz on Mildura... the dickhead gave me a $192 fine and ticked it as a MAJOR defect.

It was cleared 2 days later and I didnt raise the suspension one single mm!

Ive driven my ute around in this small town for 4 years and been pulled over several times and been thru several RBT's and NEVER EVER had a comment on my suspension height, a copper once even telling me how nice the car was, yet these "Mod squads" come into town for a 2 day blitz and book half the town for the wrong scent air freshners!

Not revenue raising??? come on shags.....

a friend was also pulled over in his car who was defected the night before for a couple of silly things but yes they were fair defects, anyways the copper walks up with his wheel on a stick (for suspension height test) and see's the defect on the front window and said straight out "Ah.. were running out of cars to defect in this town!" walked away and drove off.

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vicpol is in a f*cking sad state of affairs atm.

the majority of officers "I" encounter, and that "my" friends encounter are all exactly like this.

It's almost like the government is MAKING them hate care enthusiests.

I just sorta doubt cops could build up this much hate on their own.. unless they're getting something out of it we dont know about.

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It all comes from the top - the clowns that are voted in to run the joint. The individual police don't decide when/where/how these little exercises will take place, it's all directives from above...so you can't really blame the individuals for doing what they are paid to do.

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Totally agree! However there is a line at which this is drawn, and it's called officer discretion.

An officer may not have a choice to partake in this opperation.. however they DO have the choice to choose which car they're going to defect/what they're going to defect/and how their going to go about it (reasoning for defects).

Hey I'm all for taking 'dangerous' cars off the road. Rust buckets. Cars with springs that are CUT (not just 'too low'). Cars which may be of legal decibel limit, however are emitting so much smoke you'd think its a steam train.

As I said.. theres this thing called discretion. It's supposed to be used in the interest of public safety, not government gain or personal satisfaction. And "Trough Lolly's" story is a PERFECT example of this.

"so you can't really blame the individuals for doing what they are paid to do."

I don't pay my taxes to be targeted for no reason by victorias joke of a law enforcement.

So yes.. I will blame them.. for doing what they AREN'T paid to do.

Edited by Shark
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  • Sucker
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So if your boss gives you a directive that you don't entirely agree with you walk out?

They are paid to enforce the law through whatever means they are instructed. It's really that simple.

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So if your boss gives you a directive that you don't entirely agree with you walk out?

Nah , get me panties in a twist , stamp me feet, hold me breath and then have a good cry

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Shark is right, I see so many dumps out on the road yet our cars and some other modified cars are perfectly fine and we get targeted. You could be driving like a little old lady and they will pull you over because you have a nice looking car, I have nothing against them doing their jobs and getting the idiots off the road but sometimes their descretion way out.

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You have taken it completely out of context.

That is like saying, if an officer says "you must obey the giveway sign", and you don't want to, will you just drive through it anyway?

Let me put it back in context for you.

If I had many collegues who were sitting on their arse doing nothing, and my boss comes up to me.. targets ME when I'm snowed under with work, acts like an arsehole and tells me I've gotta get something done in a few hours when I can't POSSIBLY do it, and he WONT go to any of my other collegues who are more than capable of doing the same thing, YES, I'd not only walk out, but I'd start looking for another job that day.

Again.. I don't pay my taxes to be targeted.

And I highly doubt police are "instructed to target modified vehicles." .. do you agree? Yet they do.. so this issue really isn't so simple.

I didn't make this out to be about cop-bashing, which is probably how I look atm. I'm just extremely opinionated and passionate about issues that directly affect ME.

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lmao....now it's completely out of context. :stupid:

I'm almost certain they do target modified vehicles, or vehicles that are known to be popular for modifications (I.e. XR6 Turbos), as that is what is related to hoons in the current media. Stamping out hoons = more votes for the politician as that's the current line of thinking amongst the stupid electorate.

Getting it yet?

At the end of the day it’s all about politicians/ministers doing what they perceive the electorate wants so that they get to keep their job. The fact that it makes no sense or cannot be justified is completely irrelevant in their eyes.

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