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Ex Cab? N/A


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  • Member For: 16y 6m 16d

hey guys

while looking for cars for a friend, I came across a 2003 XT x-cab. my friend isnt looking to go for anything crazy, only wants to spend around 5ish for a daily.

this is the link for the cabby- http://www.carsales.com.au/all-cars/private/details.aspx?R=7262345&keywords=xt&tsrc=allcarhome&__Ntk=CarAll&__Nne=15&__Dx=mode%20matchany&PriceTo=442&__Qpb=true&__D=xt&silo=1011&seot=1&__sid=12279DEC9FC5&__N=1216%201246%201247%201252%201282%204294966463%204294966285%20442%20903%201518&__Ns=pCar_RankSort_Int32|1||pCar_Price_Decimal|1||pCar_Make_String|0||pCar_Model_String|0&__Ntx=mode%20matchallpartial&Cr=0&__Ntt=xt&trecs=2

I have rang the owner and he has said that the only issues with the car are that it needs a new battery, some new tyres, and rear bushes.

he said everything else is fine, the car drives fine and interior and body is in good condition.

as you can see, it has 640,000 kms on it and is at $3000, also has a 70 litre gas tank.

from things iv heard, x-cabs arnt too bad, although they do have massive kms, because of the long distance driving and not stop start, it isnt too hard on the car? (also never really seen a cab driver thrash them?)

and if anything was to go wrong, it wouldnt be major things on the motor? obviously depending on how its been looked after.

basically wanted some opinions on the issue, if it would be worth it for 3 grand to buy and make over, possibly new paint and just clean up the issues the owner said, which arnt major, as the car is on gas, $3000 for a 2003 is fairly cheap. the owner also said all taxi equipment would be removed and only the taxi stickers would need to be taken off.

but yeah like I said please provide as much information as you can on this topic as im looking for answers and opinions.

thanks boys

Edited by boost-kid
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tel him to remove the stickers cause that's a *beep* of a job

and yeh there ok for the coin high kms means nuffin because it would of had its fair share of replacement parts by now and the 4.0 donk is good for a million kms

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  • Member For: 16y 1m 13d
  • Location: adelaide

go for it, my mate just sold his xt for 9k, had over 300k on it driven hard too, if you didnt look at the odometer ud have never know it had high kms still drove nice

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