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  • Team Grandpa
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Bloody stoked :roflmbo::beerchug:

100% kill rate with Peanut Butter on mouse traps

We live on acreage so our count probably exceeds the city dwellers but it doesn't help that the Mrs has hay for the farkn horse in the garage....

Tried everthing...

Cant do baits incase the dogs ate them and the stink if they cark it in a wall cavity

Cheese doesn't work and a whole lot of other sh*t doesn't either

Looks like the PB does the trick....I also failed to warn them that it contains nuts....

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  • loitering with intent
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A few Jack Russels in the garage at night. No farking cats, why ? because they're cats and will climb all over your car.

Bastards them all farkin

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A few Jack Russels in the garage at night. No farking cats, why ? because they're cats and will climb all over your car.

Bastards them all farkin

x2 with the little jackies.. my dog has a field day as we live behind a paddock

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  • Senior Moron
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Alot of little lead balls in the left ear, works for cats as well

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  • Get on the end of it.....
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I used to use the PB and the bucket trick but my Bull terrier used to eat them out of the bucket. Now I just use one of those cages with the funel down the top and once there is 3 or 4 plop straight in the bucket :buttrock:

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you need to find the nest.

I know its hard but follow them. oftern they will have underground nests under concrete slabs, sheet metal, sand bags, you will see a hole with dirt around it,start digging and get the can of fuel ready to torch em.

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  • Member For: 17y 8m 6d
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If your going to bait, use racumin or something similiar. Its one of the better baits as the rats and mice wont urinate on it (warning others) and it wont affect the dog if he or she eats the dead mouse / rat. Some baits (bromakill, ratsak etc) can make pets pretty sick. Perth's rat and mouse population is booming and like you, I have plenty of hay (and dog food/ bird seeds etc) and also have lots of dogs around, hence the racumin only.

The other alternative, which doesnt work on large properties is a new product I'm starting to sell. Its called a Rat Zapper. Battery operated and you put in some peanut paste / your choice of attractant at the end of a rectangle box and once they step on the plate, they get fried!! We put in a screwdriver when we first got them in and its like a mini bolt of lightning being unleashed. Your supposed to check on the trap every few hours so you can just empty it into the bin without touching the rat / mouse

Not cheap (about $90) and not great for large ap's but a lot of fun

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