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Did I Just Get Bent Over By Ford Service?


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I had my car serviced by my local mechanic.. had heater core replaced, front brake disks replaced with new pads all round, and a 120k service. oh and aircon re gasses for free

ford wanted this.

$300 for base service minus parts,

$1100 to replace heater core

and I didnt even bother after that with the brakes.

I had all that work done for just under $1600 and lost my car for a little under a week

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So here begins Part II of this saga.

I just had some work done by a Pedders guy today - he asked me if I'd had the disks replaced recently. He took the wheel off to show me why he asked: the disks that Fprd put on were not the superior XR6 ones at all, in fact they weren't even XR ones. In fact, they were so small they only covered half of the pad!

I can't decide if I'm going to write, call or just camp outside their office with a sign saying "Fraud Service: They'll bend you over and charge you for the priviledge"


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emailed this today and got a call back within 10 mins, cars booked in tomorrow to get some slotted discs fitted:

"We have a serious problem here you need to rectify.

On the 8th September you did a number of tasks to my car, including replacing the rear discs and pads. After mis-quoting me on the cost of the discs and trying to charge me an additional $300 for the work, we agreed that you would swap out the over-priced “Ford Genuine” discs and replace them with the Premium discs that I would have gotten at Pedders. After you did the work I noticed the discs weren’t grooved and called you to question whether they were Premium discs or not, to which I was told they definitely were.

Yesterday I had a mechanic examine why the car is making a grinding noise from the rear, and was told that the discs fitted to the car are not just non-premium, but are in fact too small even for the standard pads fitted to the XR6. The discs only cover about 2/3 of the pad. The only reason I can think of for this is that you took off the XR6 discs originally fitted and replaced them with base model Ford pads.

To me, this is shockingly bad and downright dangerous. Not only have you lied to my face on the quality of the parts you used, you’ve put parts in that aren’t even the right size.

I expect an immediate answer on what you’re going to do to rectify this. The next step for me is to go direct to MVRIA."

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When will Ford Australia stand up and take notice? There is a reason sales are falling, and it has nothing to do with the product!!!!

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  • Cruise Whore
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This is shocking - that particular dealer you went to Broaders are plain fraudulant. When will businesses ever learn that ripping off your customers does not make you prosper??? Now just to be clear - I am not saying all dealers are like this - but farrk when you carry the badge - the public see you as all the same. And unfortunately, that is what the bad ones are counting on - the farrkers.

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I got a call back form the service manager about 10 mins later - he blamed the service rep, said it was an accident and could I bring the car in the next day. They fitted DBA 4000 series rotors. The manager kept blaming the strangely absent service rep, but I'm pretty sure he was involved.


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Here's the kicker for you. They actually fitted AU series rotors to the rear of your vehicle.Seen it all too often. Also like to comment on the fact they've stated clearly on thier invoice that the throttle body clean also included cleaning the ISC (Idle Speed Control)which strangely enough your vehicle doesn't actually have one and they adjusted your idle speed which is impossible because its PCM controlled and cannot be adjusted using dealership diagnostic machines. Your service cost was about normal(a little bit high,obviously a city dealer somewhere). All the other charges were too steep though. Funny thing is after they ripped you a new a'hole they still reported that at 60000km you need front shocks and springs.

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