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Long Threads

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Some of our threads are getting veeeeeeeeeeeeery long, and new threads from new members on similar topics are quickly being discouraged and closed by the moderating team.

Should threads have a size limit or time limit on them before they are automatically closed, and a new thread started if the interest is still there.

If I was a new member and had to read through some of the mammoth threads on the forum, this would in itself be discouraging as the time required would be excessive.

Also I guess we would eventually run out of topics if these threads are alowed to continue forever.

Just a thought, as I have had comments along this line from guests who have visited the site! :)

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What sort of threads...?

I think threads that are just chit chat and go on for ages are fine - if someone wants to read 13 pages of "my colour is bigger than yours" then more fool them! However, I think it would be a great addition to our forums if we had a sticky thread for things like the brake shudder issue or aftermarket supplies (ie modification options) which only the moderators could post to and provide 'from the source' information. This would provide any new user who wants info with "the facts" about where things are at.


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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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I'm against limited threads ... waffling on and on and on is what I do best! <_<

"dirtly little hobbitesss, my preciousssss .... stealing our threads they are, precioussss ...." :lol:

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Yes, an FAQ where you could put information in about footwell lights and all the "can we do this" type questions that come up regularly, plus a few other threads such as the following

MODIFICATIONS - sticky for mods with a post for each aftermarket solution - aps, dba, herrods etc that would list their products and contact details.

WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR or some such where we could list things such as the gearbox crunch into fifth, what causes it and what solution (if any) has been found. Brake shudder and what fords line is on it and the solutions that they are currently providing etc.

This way useful info is very easy to find and discussion can be generated elsewhere. On a lot of the large threads there are some informative posts and then two or three pages of discussion and then another informative post. I can see how a newb would find that a waste of time.

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  • The Noble Leader
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Yes, an FAQ where you could put information in about footwell lights and all the "can we do this" type questions that come up regularly, plus a few other threads such as the following

MODIFICATIONS - sticky for mods with a post for each aftermarket solution - aps, dba, herrods etc that would list their products and contact details.

WHAT WE KNOW SO FAR or some such where we could list things such as the gearbox crunch into fifth, what causes it and what solution (if any) has been found. Brake shudder and what fords line is on it and the solutions that they are currently providing etc.

This way useful info is very easy to find and discussion can be generated elsewhere. On a lot of the large threads there are some informative posts and then two or three pages of discussion and then another informative post. I can see how a newb would find that a waste of time.

Certain things sounds like a good idea..

We may be able to come up with a FAQ page. I guess the reason we didnt decide on this was the fact that if members could come and get the information they wanted and leaved via a FAQ it would not increase our memberbase.

MODIFICATIONS - sticky for mods with a post for each aftermarket solution - aps, dba, herrods etc that would list their products and contact details.

Regarding this, this could only be for our "Sponsors" as we have to protect our sponsors best interests. The reason for not doing this is basically not to "commercialise" the forum.

We will post this into our "Donating Member" Section and see what the majorities view is.

Thanks for the advice <_<

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I'm against limited threads ... waffling on and on and on is what I do best! <_<

"dirtly little hobbitesss, my preciousssss .... stealing our threads they are, precioussss ...." :lol:

Oh I am sorry KEN 24T I plain forgot about you :lol:

Will try to be more considerate in the future ;)

The ideas on the FAQ type page sounds like a good idea.

What I meant was that a very large and ongoing thread may make variations to an issue "drown" in the chit-chat going on about the preceeding 500 angles on the same issue.

Maybe allow things like the Brake Shudder issue to be broken up into:

Brake Shudder - Who has experienced it

Brake Shudder - Possible solutions

Brake Shudder - What is Ford doing about it

Just a suggestion to increase the focus of a thread, especially on technical issues such as Brake Shudder, Modification Options etc.

My 10 cents worth :D

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Is this going to turn into a long thread?? :lol:

Where do you draw the line at a thread being to long or to short?

Although it's a great idea theres a bit of a problem with it.

Splitting the threads will make it a lot harder to understand the topic by braking up the context of what's being talked about. Another problem would be being able to group the thread's so they stay together in the one area, if somebody post's in a particuluar thread 3 week's from now the others will still be down the end of the que. Leaving the original thread looking unanwsered and open to new user's asking what has been done about it etc sending the threads off on different tangents again.

A lot of the individual post's will cover differing aspect's of the problem - experience - fix as well and although we can split and merge threads theres no option to split the individual post's.

Hrmm an FAQ now there's an idea why didnt somebody come up with that MONTH's ago..... :thumbsup:

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