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  • Member For: 17y 11m 8d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Brisbane, Queensland

I would have thought that would be the gearbox saying goodbye...

do you still have all 4 gears???? manually go through them to make sure that you can feel the shift from 1st through to 4th...

the last time I blew my 4spd to smithereens it had an almighty bang from 2nd into 3rd... I didnt know that the gearbox had died until I pulled up and it went clunk clunk down through the gears and wouldnt move.

another possibility could be the diff bush as this I believe will make a relatively loud clunk when shifting high in the rpm..

if your worried that you have broken something I would be getting your car checked out by a workshop that specialises in fords.

even if you have or havent broken something they should be able to give or spot the reason why it went bang on the shift

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  • Member For: 16y 1m 10d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Werribee

I hit the limiter early on as well was a bit shocked certainly not a refined rev limiter. Wouldnt bother mate as im sure ford would have hit it thousands of times during testing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
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  • Member For: 17y 7m 16d

Rev limiter pretty sure.

I did it the other day in second gear (6 speed manual) really just drops off suddenly from high revs to bugger all - so gives a bit of a jolt (that's the teeth hitting the steering wheel bit)

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  • Member For: 20y 2m 7d

Rev limiter definetly and it's at 5800 rpm but since the needle is moving so quick at that stage it looks roughly 6000. It's no where near as harsh as the equivalent Expensive Daewoo model limiter though! When you get more used to it, it can be really nice when you time it just right and as you hit 5800 and change you get a great "woffle" sound during the change without the harsh cutout!! Very, very addictive.

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