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Trans Cooler Install


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I just want to be clear on this.

1. You can fit a PWR cooler between the intercooler and the radiator? And Mixumus I have the Nizpro big BIG cooler, so this can be done?

2. Wont that affect air flow to the radiator?

3. What about heat soak from the coller to the intercooler???

4. I thought the best place was in front of one of the wheels???

1. From what Headsex showed me on his car, YES it JUST fits if you lean the intercooler forward at the top, may have to oversize the bolt holes a bit, and push the Transcooler right up as far as it will go.

2. No worse than the BIG BIG intercooler infront of the radiator. If you hold the transcooler in your hand and blow thru it you can feel the air on your hand. I cant see it being a problem at 60k's and sure beats having the trans fluid running thru the radiator.

3. The Nizpro cooler works so well I dont think you would notice a difference.

4. Speak to Full Monty about putting it infront of the front wheel. He was at Sandowns= going down the back straight at huge speed and the hose to the transcooler popping off, pissing fluid all over his front tyre and him skidding onto the grass and nearly hitting the wall. :buttonit:

If you are unsure speak to Simon at Nizpro and get them to install it. They may even chuck it way under the car somewhere and hook up a seperate fan.

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Thanks Maximus.

I've enquired with Simon and they put it down the back up between the spare wheel tub and the rear bumper. Good looking fitment and good quality cooler.

Only trouble is they want a K to do it.

Now I defend Simon and Nizpro to the hilt but say for $200 for a cooler kit, and a bit of effort I can save heaps on doing that.

I need to get a tranny cooler AND an oil cooler. On the last run up to Bulla with Adam, my oil was well above 110 and that aint good for nobody.

Thanks for answering my questions though. I see your point re the front wheel arch. That's not good either.

I'd say the PWR ones would be the only ones you could do it with though as most others are too thick. The PWR is nice and slim.

Is there any feed back on whether or not it increased water temp at all? I know youve said it shouldn't but be nice to see if there was any slightly higher running temp.


Edited by Rudiger
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Hang on. Just re read your post. Youve been running it for 6 months so you would know by now if it affects water temp.

And you got the universal kit yeah?

I think the ZFs do have a block on the side of the trans you have to bypass. I dont think it runs into the radiator. Bugger. More pipes to run. Yoru way looked easy.

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I havent noticed any noticable difference in water temp.

I have towed over 1 tonne with it for 400ks and it was fine.

Yeah I have the universal kit.

Just make sure you get 1 with the correct size barbed fittings and put the clamp on the correct side of the barb.

I am not sure where the ZF lines run, I have only done this to the 4spd in the BA's

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hot tip guys fit this without removing the intercooler just slide it up from the bottom (remove splash tray) simple sh*t blokes half the dicking around yes its firm but itl fit :beerchug:

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Hey guys,

I'm hoping to get one of these in the next week or so... Still not 100% if I'm confident on the install though, but I'll have a look when I get the kit. It's just so hot here in Perth at the moment, and I want to insure myself against radiator/Trans issues. Also want to prolong the life of my auto.

Jetsnot, is it really that simple? Did you have to remove the front bar still or did it just slide between the IC and radiator? And was it really hard to re-fit the pipes and attach the cooler with the IC and radiator still there?

Really appreciate the effort that's gone into the thread guys :spoton:

I'm still a bit confused exactly as to what pipes are changed to where and a few other things but hopefully it'll be a little clearer when I get the cooler.

Thanks guys,


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can this fit behind a hdi intercooler?

I have a under battery ca intake for my turbo and am not sure where to mount a transmission cooler. could sumone pls help?

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Hey Dan, Its not that difficult if you have basic knowledge of taking tuff apart and putting it back together.

Here is a pic BEFORE I started.

In the pic below, you can see the 2 existing Trans Cooler pipes running into the back of the Radiator.

One lets the fluid into the radiator and one lets the fluid back out to the transmission

I dont remember which is which but the hotter of the 2 will be fluid in, which is before it is cooled.


This pic shows the same to pipes, looking down towards the ground from above, that I have bent out of the way and connected the rubber hoses to the new Trans Cooler.

Remember to put the clamp on the correct side of the barb. Easy to get this bit wrong and will end in tears if it pops off.


This pic shows the same black pipe from the pics above connected into the Trans Cooler.

You cant see the bottom one as its behind the Reinforcing bar at the bottom there.


Remmeber mate, have a look at the pics, have a look at your car and compare them.

If you dont feel 100% confident in doing it maybe hit up one of the Forum Sponsors close to yourself and get them to fit it for you.

Any questions just post them on here.

I have an alert so will come along sometime and reply if someone else hasn't already.

Cheers & all the best


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WhiteXR, I have never seen a HDI Cooler fitted but if you have a solid 25mm gap between the cooler and Radiator I would say it will fit in there.

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