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Just Had The 15,000 Kms Service Done. A Few Problems Fixed But Some No


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It came up to about $320 including filter, shell helix ultra etc.

There were a few problems. 2 main ones were oil leaks from the engine timing cover and rear diff. Apparently the bolts weren't sealed and torque'd properly from the factory.

The bluetooth is fixed with some new software update.

The plastic glove box cover/door is warped. Was told Ford is engineering a new one and will do a recall for this part. Will have to wait in the meantime...

The faulty ambient temp sensor (4-7 degrees off) and fuel gauge (25ltrs left when empty msg appears) weren't fixed. They "found all ok"... Argh!!!

Can some relieved owner recommend a Ford dealer around the Sydney metro area who knows about and can fix these faulty ambient temp sensor and fuel gauge problems. I sure do appreciate this.

But problems aside, it's a blast to drive. I took it to Orange a couple of times (to pick apples!?) and geez it made short work of the GREAT Dividing Ranges!!!

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Very interesting - I've dropped mine off for the 15k service as well just this morning, to my mechanic though not Ford.

Do you know exactly what the Bluetooth update is - does it now display names on the screen by any chance?

My glove box cover seems OK now although I can see a tiny bit that it's going to warp I think, it's just started. I park under cover during the day on weekdays so it doesn't get that much heat, direct light, I count myself lucky there.

My temp sensor was the same, took them two goes to fix it but its fine now.

As for fuel gauge... well, the closest you'll get is 11 litres off it seems. I took mine back a few times, it was about 17 litres off originally and now they say they've checked it a number of times and that "no fault found" :bangcomputer:

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I've a sony-ericson phone and the bluetooth used to drop out a few minutes after connected.

Since the update it stays connected until I turn the engine off.

There doesn't seem to be any unique id/name associated with this BT update. On the final service/job report , there is an entry which says something like "bluetooth software updated"...

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I had the ambient or outside temperature problem as well. Ford said that they replaced the whole left hand mirror assembly (where the sensor is), and it seemed to correct the issue. However, 4months later and it has once again taken a nose dive and is out by up to 10degrees most times. Ford fix = we will change the assembly again...

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Yeah just had my 15,000ks service. Has same issues as you, oil leak on timing cover supposedly fixed. No leak in diff though. Bolts from factory were apprently 3 or so mm too long and didn't torque the timing cover against the engine.

Blue tooth also updated and working much better than before, also ICC issue where screen would flicker/go blank has been fixed. Don't know whether the blue tooth update fixed that as well, but the dealer apparently pulled the ICC out to check wiring.

Have exact same problem with outside temps. 6 odd degrees out. Fraud wouldn't replace the sensor/outside mirror and on the service invoice it states that "Ford have no fix" for the temp sensor problem. Also if you read your manual it states the outside temp is approximate only, they don't giver a +/- error amount.

They replaced my glovebox lid from another car and it appears to fit 99% better.

They replaced the passenger screen washer as well, as it would spray too low on windscreen.

Fixed a rattle from driver's door, apparently wiring loose and flapping inside.

Overall fairly happier now, car still going awsomely well.

Unless there are further warranty issues, the next service (oil/filter change) will be done by my trusted mechanic, so I won't be paying Fraud the $350 it cost me for the 15,000ks service.

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When someone rings you though, what comes up on the ICC screen - still only a number, or the name from your phonebook?

Definitely number but not sure about the name... I'll keep an eye on this.

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Must be the time for it...my baby is in getting the 15k service done today too.

Could be an overnighter though, noticed another oil leak over the weekend :bangcomputer:

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I noticed on the weekend something leaking down onto the inner part of my rear right rim... is this a common problem with the diff?

What fixes this?

Minor or major problem?

Definitely number but not sure about the name... I'll keep an eye on this.
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Sounds like I've been lucky - no leaks noticed.

The only bad thing about mine - the crappy Traxxion tyres still have another 10-15 kms left in them! Might have to fix that, let's hope there's no rain as they are positively dangerous in how little wet grip they have. And the kids actually complain how loud it is in the back seat when we're on the highway!

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