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Yapping Farking Mini Dog


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  • loitering with intent
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an update. Seems like little Schnookems had his first time left at home in the new and frightening house.

I found this out how ? Spoke to the neighbours. Just to put that particular tact to bed. We will see how it goes once the offending animal gets more used to it's new environment

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You can. That is 2 words and what the hell is swollower????? :spit:

Collars do work a treat. They may eventually not need them in the future if the owner decides to put a collar on it! Give it some time to settle in though! Good luck with it all! Hate to see you move on accounts of a dog!


LOL Righto I spelt the word swallow wrong, and a sword swallower is a term a use at work for people that hide under bosses desk and suck c@#k!!! And Mr Buff good luck hope everything works out in your favour with the duppy pog

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WTF!! are you serious? the Police have NOTHING to do BUT tend these types of complaints...

I thought they'd be too busy impounding cars for chirping second gear !!

mate, you cant be farther from the truth. You obviously have never been robbed, or car jacked or similar.

Personally, I would talk to the neighbours and the local council and see where you stand on the matter.

And yes, anyone who commits animal cruelty should have the same thing done to them. You shoot a dog/cat whatever, you get shot yourself.

Your pour freezing cold water on a dog, you should be stripped in the middle of the night and have the same thing done to you.

The dog might have a problem, like pain or discomfort or maybe just weirded out by the new surroundings. So work sh*t out with your neighbours and do the right thing. Dont be a dickhead like some people have been suggesting.


+ 1!!

while I find the jokes re animal cruelty amusing at times, it is a weak man who is actually cruel to a defenseless animal. They don't know what they are doing and are certainly not doing it just to annoy you.

If anyone was cruel to my dogs without good reason I would not hesitate in retribution no matter who they are.

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I used to work nights and my neighbour has two large dogs that he locks up in an area 2m X 2m, for 9hrs per day. If they weren't barking they yelped ALL day, at nothing.

I rang the RSPCA to report cruelty to animals. They asked "are the dogs in good condition" if so it is not cruel to lock animals up in an area where it can only just turn around. So I asked the lady from RSPCA "how would you feel if I locked you in the broom closet for 9hrs, 5 days a week?"

She suggested ringing council, which I did they said they needed three seperate complaints before any action was taken.

I found a bucket of water over fence works wonders, this is not cruel. Locking up large dogs in confined area is. Now if they are barking I only have to open my fence and noise stops instantly.

Good luck mate there is nothing worse!

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  • loitering with intent
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You won't farking belive this :blink: . Now bare in mind little yapper is on the corner opposite to me ( I live on a corner obviously ) and has been generally been better behaved when mummy and daddy are not home as it gets used to it's surroundings.

The next door neighbour ( not the water thief ) arrived home at approx 6.30 pm , hear a new bark ....mmm no big deal I think.

Went out to BBQ a bit of prime thick cut eye fillet for dinner an hour ago, literally a few metres outside of my family/noise room, and what do I get bahwhooowhooowhooo bahwhooowhooowhooo at the fence this time it's a bigger louder beast FMD.

Kent hasn't shut up since farkin, all I need is the people across the street to get a new dog and off to the looney bin I go.

FFS :angel: :crybaby: the quicker I get back to Qld and bark at tab's fence out of spite the better for my mental health :msm:

PS I am/was an avid dog lover

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buf let someone else have a look ...just to rule out ...as you say your mental health issues.....

Heard there renaming your suburb dogville heights..... :beerchug::ta:

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