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Project ZF 1000hp & 9sec


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I havent told her yet. She wont see it for a while so I have abit of grace. whoops how did that get there. lol.

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haha yep. She's quite literally up bush at the moment so it will have to wait a couple of days before she finds out. It want too major & I sold my other setup so its wasnt as bad as you would think.

I think I wrote somewhere here that its easier to ask for forgiveness than permission guess we'll find out. Ive told her about every other little bit & piece that ive done so it'll be sweet. I had the money left over that I had allowed for the box so no more came out of my pocket than I told her I was gonna spend. More or less. lol.

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im keen to see wjat u get threw urs though qik

as my car is currently haveing a 42 fitted but with twin 44mm wastegates in hope for boost to come on quicker, and mine is threw a manual till I wreck it :rolleyes:

best of luck with the build mate and hope it will be completed when u want, as ive found it to take a while to source parts/find which way u want to go with parts :blush::cool1:

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being naughty
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Nice work buddy sounds like its going to be a beast.

And you know what I like the most about this thread, your not one of those wankers, claming its gunna do this, do that, 500+rwkw,8 sec pass etc.

Nice one mate, respect. :rolleyes:

so u think people are wankers for posting realistic goals to inform thier fellow car lovers of there expectations? .............

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so u think people are wankers for posting realistic goals to inform thier fellow car lovers of there expectations? .............

No my point is most of them arnt realistic goals, do you know how many threads have strated over the years with people claiming the world and it NEVER happens..

qik1 isnt hear to brag about how its gunna go do this do that, he is telling us how he is building a base line for a monster and no doubt it will push high numbers, and im sure it will push some good qrt mile times aswell.

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Brandon what size housing are you goin for. Ive gone the smaller option to help with spool time in the higher gears. I really dont want something that was gonna take til 4k to get up to speed. I know im probably gonna lose abit up top but its worth it to gain the low end response that we all like out of these cars with the fac turbo & if I go too much more hp things break for the fun of it. lol.

I've been so lucky with the build so far. Brad from atomic was only a couple of days off finishing two 998kw short blocks when I first contacted him, one was for a customer & one was for a spare so was pretty lucky its saved alot of time. It should actually be here today or at least in the next couple of days. The box left for perth 2wks ago, turned up tuesday night was finished within a day & is already on its way back. All the other bits are/have been available so all I can say is thanks to those that have been involved for making all of this pretty painless so far. The only part we'll be waiting for is the manifold which was to be expected but even that was able to be fast fowarded abit. Should be ready in 3wks. that's my own fault as I didnt really want to over commit myself just in case the box was a write off otherwise it would probably already be here.

I'm a spare parts manager for a living so I know the reality of back orders & freight problems like you have no idea so everything so far has surprised me. I'm still not really expecting everything to be back together & running in it final form for at least 6wks but its cool I can walk to work in under 5mins, the mrs has a work car she can use for whatever & plus we have a few new cars at work I can pinch if I really need one.

The top cover is off as well & is getting soughted by one of my best mates that's done the rest of the body work so no doubt that'll be soughted as quick as. It had a few bubbles in the paint right up the front so I couldnt go to all the effort with the rest of it & leave it untouched. I left it up to them to do whatever they like with it so I think a metallic black with a pearl through it is whats gonna happen but I wont know til I get it back I spose. Should look very tidy with the raw billet eng cover I have for it for those show days.

Cant wait to strap myself in hurtle it down the track for the first time. I think my first launch is gonna be pretty soft. lol. I think I may need to sought out a custom tailshaft especially if we get a set of hoosiers for it.

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yeah Rob told me about it yesterday. He's gonna call them & give them strict instructions before it goes in & gets rolling. gonna try & run it in quickly so can get things happening power wise. Hopefully before the car show otherewise it'll just be there just for looks which is not what I want it for at all.

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