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How Much Stronger Is Bf Motor To A Ba Motor? ( Power Limits)?


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BAs can still push 350rwkw

BFs just over 400 is pushing it I think???

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how long is a piece of string?

BF's are stronger, but some have let go at mid 300s, some are still holding low 400s!

some story with BA's, but a bit lower... some have let go at 300, some manage to hold high 300s...

Edited by fordboy1981
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In my opinion, there is no benchmark to the output of any motor. If your gonna push the motor,best to back your self up with some funds and enjoy it while it lasts. Could last days or years.

Edited by bluprinturbo
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I had a brilliant run out of my bf eng. I only pulled it out because. why not??? The head & sump should be comin off tomorrow or monday so I'll let ya know what 400 plus kw, nearly 50 1/4 passes & 35000klm do to it. Expecting it to be near perfect but who knows.

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I've got a BA MKII. My valve springs are holding out with no sign of valve float at 320rkw and the engine is making this at 13psi. C&V reckons it is a strong motor and has more potential. It is an 04 2005 model and I heard that they went to BF internals in 05 2005. How do I know if they might have used a BF motor. Is their any identifying marks on the engine that will tell you if it is BA or BF?

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