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Hard Lesson Learned


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A real credit to u man, good on ya. im sure most of us out there know the feeling of being pulled over for doing something wrong at one time or another... but that's a big fall, good on ya for speaking up and letting others know where they stand if they make the same move. pretty sure im only one fine away from a suspended sentence, the funny thing is ive always been done in my lancer and not my xr6t (no cruise control, doesnt feel like im going fast enough etc).

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Excellent write up Brad. I think it takes something like this to happen with someone like yourself with the guts to say you stuffed up. We all have fast cars on here and love having them. But, hey I love life better.

This really hit home with me. As you know I was off to Pitlane for mods just before ya canceled the Tassie cruze. I had the mods done around 3 months ago and have been driving within the law until I was on my way back from the top end or the state about 2 weeks ago. I decided in my infinate wisdom to try out the top end grunt on my way back at around midnight with no other traffic around. That was all good and fine as I wasn't going to endanger any one else but my self. Lets just say at a very high speed the car became very unstable and I thought I was a gonna. Yes these cars are very fast once modded but unless you have spent alot on suspension, brakes and tryes you are pushing S*&^8&&^ up a very steep hill.

I have a wife and young son and couldn't stop thinking about how it would have affected them if I had come to grief. It nearly brought me to tears the rest of the way home.

Just thought I would share my story.

Regards Stoney.

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Mate, may I say how great it is to hear someone who has f*cked up admit it and face up to the consequences of their actions. Too much these days the blame is always put on someone else or the negativity is placed upon the police. Kudos for learning a lesson and sharing your experience with others. It takes balls and backbone and I hope others that have made similar mistakes (and let's face it, that's all it is, it doesn't make you evil!) will follow your lead.


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Just read your post Brad and I can relate too every feeling you went through.

Back in February 08 I was on my bike .. done something stupid showing off like a tool as you do :beerchug: so I lit it up and proceeded too do a wheel stand after I smoked it up.. not a massive wheel stand but yet a wheelie..

I get to the top of the street and here a beep.. check my mirror and low and behold there is a paddy wagon behind me with the lights flashing.

My bike was confiscated on the spot and towed away to the police holding yard (which I had too pay for). The copper told me he was confiscating the bike for 3 months under the hoon laws for the burnout and told me that I'd receive a CAN notice in the mail. Like you a few weeks went by and I thought I'd just be charged for a burnout and possibly neg driving.. until the CAN notice arrived. Listed were 3 charges;

Drive in a manner dangerous too the public/at speeds dangerous/furiously/recklessly

Negligent driving not occasioning death or grievous bodily harm


So off too the solicitors I go.. after trying too plea with the police I decided too fight the drive manner dangerous as it holds an instant 9month jail sentence and 3yr license loss in NSW so I too was looking at a treadly!

So in DECEMBER! I go into court and too my surprise only one copper was there.. turns out the other copper got transferred out west.. so the coppers canned the driver manner dang and charged me with neg drive and burnout..

Judge seen I was a decent person and not a sh*t kicker and charged me $200.00 for each offense.. gave me the stern warning etc..

But all up it cost me 7points .. $1600 too get the bike out of confiscation after 3months.. $2500 solicitor fee's.. $140 towing fee and $400 for the fines.. Expensive lesson learnt..

Check your mirrors before arking it up and standing it up on the back wheel ... OR don't stop :blink::crybaby:

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Thanks for sharing your experience mate. Having riden the bike for a bit you get to see up close and personal some of the wankers that sit behind a steering wheel and you just think you idiot, but then you realise to yourself that, at one time or another that has been you. And that's when you get a real clear picture in your head of what could actually happen.

Again thanks to everyone for their comments, riding both sucks and blows and public transport......well there's another post all together!!....but on a positive im getting back some of the fitness I used to have :blush:



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Yeah mate.. 3months in lock up luckily it was garaged... lol the copper was a REAL wanker.. yeah I done something stupid but I think he went overboard.



$1600 too get it out of the impound yard. All up it cost me over 5k and my daughter was born in August.. So t'was a rough year. Stupid mistake.. If I knew he was behind me and was going too take the bike I would have gotten off the brake and smoked up the whole street lol

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After one discussion the Solicitor informed me that the week prior he had seen a guy in his mid 20's (few years younger than me) recieve 4 months Jail $2000 fine and 3 years loss of license for doing less than what I was. I went in a downward spiral of depression with so many things going through my head, I didnt know what to do, say or who to turn to.


More penalties like this results in less incidences such as yours. If one person gets it why shouldnt everyone else for the same thing?


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  • My engine bay is Bionic
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you can get sent to jail for speeding now? this country is heading to the sh*tter..

You can go to jail for stealing a car, even though you were driving to the speed limit, giving way at every intersection and even pulling over for the police when they catch you in the same stolen car. Why shouldnt you get some time in the clink for 200Kph in a school zone, in the pouring down rain, while drunk behind the wheel in an unregistered and dangerously defective vehicle.

Lets ease up on the justifications and complaints about the penalties and just do the right thing.


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IB- im 100 percent with you. Im 20 and had my licence 3 years and lost it for 3 months and been caught speeding 5 times. Still on my greens and would have my blacks by now if it wasn't for my own stupid fault.

Twice by speed cameras and then in december 06, got caught doing 92 in a 70 zone on double demerits. So 6 points and loss of licence for 3 months.

all fine till june 08. got caught doing 100 in a 60 zone running late for tafe. This all ended up in court with me paying 2500 for the solicitor and the fine. But to all the guys saying solicitors are a load of sh*t, I disagree. My solicitor ended up talking to the cop and asked to have the fine downgraded so I lost 6 points and no loss of licence. But that has made me realise just how important my license is to me.

Straight after this I was caught by a copper who turned out to be my uncles friend which saved my license.

Mate, you f&*ked up and we all do. Nice to hear that you have learnt from it and make sure you keep it that way. My problem is every now and then I lose track of what im doing and give it a squirt every now and then. I only have a 05 N/a but it is enough for me to lose my licence again. So all I have to do it make it to october and im sweet, I get 5 points again and I can afford to make a tiny mistake.

The laws in this state are not sh*t, they are there to save lives and they also have helped with that. I personally know carl scully, the one who brought in double demerits and I do not hold it against him that I have been caught twice. that's my problem and I have to live with it.

A car is to get from one point to another in the safest way possible. Being a dickhead and going over the speed limit and driving like a hoon is not the way to go. I hope that everyone who does this can learn like you have.

Just my thought. Dont rant about what I have said.

Edited by wookie_666
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