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Hard Lesson Learned


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Good Approach to the whole episode.

One point I'll make is that I question the value of solicitors/lawyers in these matters. I have seen it time and time again where all a solicitor does is make sure you are prepared.

Totally agree, the solicitor didnt say anything I couldnt have said myself, he made a point of telling me that he wouldnt be saying much as the more you say the worse off you'll end up. Which I saw first hand as the case before mine had a repeat drink driver who's solicitor tried every excuse under the sun which only infuriated the magistrate more and left the guy with a pretty severe penalty. I was told that to go un-represented or to have a public defender with these cases versus someone like I had can mean the difference between a much bigger fine and longer cancelation period. So at the end of the day it comes down to whether you want to take the chance I guess.


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I lost it for 9 months when I trippled the speed limit . Got myself a girlfriend before the court date and pissed her off 91/2 months later. She used to drive me around to get parts for the modifications I did over 9 months to reduce the chance of getting caught ever again.

What worries me with these scum bucket solicitors is that they can "play up" the offence to a point where it makes the offender "depressed" and in one case I know the offender committed suicide. The solicitor said it would cost $100k to defend the case and 7 to 10 years. The co-accussed ended up with a suspended sentence.

Many cases its just best to face up to the judge yourself, admit what you did and that you will never do it again and cop the consequences.

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  • Cruise Control
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It makes you wonder just how many of our other forum members this has happened to as well......

Did anybody else see the BA GT in Rapid (confiscated in Orange this week) on the news tonight? :crybaby:

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Sounds like we need to start a poll about who's been caught doing what lol





Nang, agreed about some European laws but their drivers are of a much higher standard than ours. Tasmanian drivers seem to have it sussed. Stay left, move over if someone wants to play etc. Courtesy and respect goes a long way I guess..

Edited by Mat
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b 4 reading ths dont get me wrong I aint haveing a go at u for speeding (im in no posi to do so)

but in reading this ive found it unbelivable ow some 1 can openly admit to speeding get caught cos the fin and every 1 is sorry (it I unfortunate though n best of luck)

but in other threads it hapens and the ppor *beep* posting cops a floggin for being an idiot, 1 that springs to min from recent is the "stolen phoon" dude

I know thier have been other especially younger driver that post stuff up here they have done wrong and as minor as it may be can lead to a massive sh*t fight

its seriously unreal

motorised kids scooter is the go for u sleeper ;)

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  • Sucker
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The fact that there was no damage to life or property, and he's openly admitted how stupid it was and copped the consequences makes it a bit different Punchy.

If the opening line had of been "F*cking cops busted me for doing 200km/h...haven’t they got better things to be doing like catching real criminals...." then the reaction would be slightly different I'd imagine.

Good article Nang. The M1 between the Gold Coast & Brisbane (as mentioned in it) would have to be the most frustrating road in the country. Massive lanes - four in each direction, long sweeping corners, every centimetre lined with crash rope barrier thingos and even though it's 110km/h it feels like your doing about 40km/h. :spoton:

Oh and Mat there was a poll somewhere...Dags will be along shortly with a link :nod:

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Sounds like we need to start a poll about who's been caught doing what lol





Nang, agreed about some European laws but their drivers are of a much higher standard than ours. Tasmanian drivers seem to have it sussed. Stay left, move over if someone wants to play etc. Courtesy and respect goes a long way I guess..

yeh no sh*t, that's where australia is a steaming turd.. the Euros give proper training etc whereas we just drop the limits and put more kodak cops out there

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My Danish friend told me that he only had to do 25 hours of a driving course to get from no license to full license in his country.

Basically, he paid 3 grand, took classes and took professional driver training (some of which was on a track course). That's it, their strategy is quality over quantity.

NSW's 120 hrs of learner driving and 2 provisional stages seem pathetic and pointless in comparison. I honestly don't think proper training courses are that hard to implement. And woop de do, 95 less hours of pointless learner driving will definitely save a sh1tload of CO2 too.

Edited by NB4C
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We all have fast cars here and we all like to "give it a squirt" now and then, you haven't mentioned the speed you were going, but I'm pretty certain before they got rid of open limits in the NT I'd have done a similar speed, speed. Often people say keep it on the track, I'll +1 that...Anyone who wants to should go to the track, they hold meetings once a month here in teeny tiny little Darwin and all you need is licence a car and a helmet, It's safe, there are great people to meet and everyone is really helpfull to the noobs.

1 day on the track gets me my fix and keeps me within the limit (mostly) but I guess I'd qualify as an old fart here, in my younger days I didn't drive without speeding......

3 times I stood in court swearing I'd never return and back in my youth, if anyone deserved to loose thier licence, it was me, times have changed...I got done at 160 in a 100k zone and got only a fine....Comunity sentiment is against this and as owners of quick cars we need to respect the comunity, weather we agree with the laws or not.

SO you have both my sympathy and respect, airing this on the forum is both a good thing and a gutsy move, I'll be keeping my speed down!

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