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Hard Lesson Learned


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Thanks for the words guy's, really appreciated. My work focuses alot on workplace safety and the whole going home safe and what motivates you to stay safe etc, and I actually linked that to the offence in a statement I wrote for court that my solicitor used with the references I had.

Like whats been mentioned just one of those life lessons, that I'm pretty sure I will never forget and if me going through this has either saved my life or someone else's then I'll hand the key's over every time.


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Excellent story, and its a positive that you were caught as from this experience you have gained a great respect for your life, for your vehicle and for the persons that surround you.

As above with Mat, I have been in the same situation, whereby racing many years ago, I accepted responsibility, followed all the instructions of the officer and was lucky that the other person involved went off his face, the tension of being an idiot on a public road was removed and the multiple officers were now focused on settling down the other individual.

Jail time is a bit full on for a driving offence, even with stupid speeds involved, however I believe it is granted in the case of damage to property or injury/death of a person.

Your lucky and your a smarter man for it, well done with the honesty :)

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YEP,its these sought of stories and accidents like I saw the other day that pull me back alot in my driving. I dont drive like a lunatic but their is the odd occasion at night when theirs no one on the road that I will give it a squirt to feel the power of the thousands of dollars I have spent. All this definately makes me think twice before I put the foot down on the go pedal as who knows where mr blue will be next.

You dont have to answer this but,what sought of speed were you doing and where abouts were you. Paint a picture for us so we can put ourselves in your position as I am sure most people on here have been there.

Good on you for sharing as it is definately needed as a reminder for some to be more patient and causious.

Edited by ebxmple
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that's harsh man, 100's do it only a few get caught it sucks. At least your man enough to own up and deal with it. When it happened to me (not as bad) I continued to drive and didn't tell my boss, I was damn lucky I didn't get stopped again for the month cause I would of been in all sorts of trouble.

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WOW. I new if you exceeded speed limit by x you would lose your license by x months. Didn't know jail time could be on the cards. WOW.

Sorry Brad to hear about your stray from the law. Good onya for sharing your life lesson with us!


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Thanks for sharing the story.

I once found myself driving down a long, wide, quiet residential street and had the urge to slam the throttle. Luckily, I didn't, because halfway down that road was some guy in dark clothing walking around his broken down car that didn't have its lights on. Even at 50 km/h, I had to brake a fair bit when I saw him.

It's like someone was watching over me. Lesson learnt, I'm saving the insanity for the tracks.

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It takes big balls to air an experience like that on the forum.You did well,alot of others may think twice about their actions now and also learn from yours

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Youre right about many things in that post no more of which refers to the fact you have great support. I was devistated and also rather frustrated when I first heard what happened because I had begged you to take it easy when I handed you the keys!!! LOL Anyway Im no one to lecture, im sure you have had plenty of that.

Well done for making this post mate, people these days really dont understand how quickly your life can change when doing something silly in a car, in this case speeding. No one got hurt im positive that would have never been an issue but I guess its lucky youre the only one that has to pay mate. Chin up, its just a car learn from it and help others learn from it to.


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well done Brad. Ballsy stuff.

I had a scare recently , chopped a car and then a General Duties car comes screaming through traffic......grabs the other car, I keep driving. Thank fark. NEVER AGAIN.

Edited by Erko
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