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888 Racing Moving To Holden


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Yeah I was definately joking about selling my car and buying an SS lol I was born into a Blue Oval family and have ALWAYS supported Ford, even during the late 90's and early 00's going through high school having everyone tell you Fords are sh*t, but now with Ford winning the last few seasons, no one really tells you Fords are sh*t anymore or pays you out for owning one, so V8 Supercar racing definately plays its part for brand building.

I just feel gutted that Ford are too stupid to see it and have let their best marketing chance slip away. GT's still outsell F6's even though the F6 is clearly the better performance car because of the history of V8 Falcons and racing. They may only be similar to the road cars with body panels but winning races builds pride of owning/driving a nice road version Falcon.

At least we own the models (BA/F and FG) that had all the success on the track. I bet if AU Falcons won more on the track then people wouldn't write them off as being piece of sh*t road cars so easily and you would see more T-series cars getting around still.

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I haven't posted here in a long while, but this whole fiasco that's unravelled today has compelled me to vent...and the pic below makes me feel sick!!

Like many of you, for me this is the final straw in terms of following the Supercar farce.... one thing is clear, brand loyalty disappeared a long time ago and these guys are just professional drivers for whomever is prepared to pay them the biggest amount!

As far as the whole Ford funding issue, my understanding is something like this (and I stand corrected);

Ford gave DJR, FPR and Triple 8 three years worth of sponsorship funding money each - Triple 8 used theirs up in the first 12 months - But then to their credit they did win a Championship. Later they screamed that Ford pulled funding, but were told that they were given all the same and the other 2 teams are fine....so basically we aren't giving you anymore money.

Still, Ford are mugs letting Wincup go. Lowndsey has seen better days and he comes from the darkside anyway, so can understand and accept him going back. Anyway, that's it for me, I don't think I'll watch it anymore....20 Holdens v 10 Fords next year - what a joke!

I hope Vodaphone have a hard time next year as all the testing, R&D etc.. has gone into the Falcon (which has proved to be a better package anyway) not the crappadore....so they virtually will have to start from scratch. Look at Skaiffe's team...all the money in the world, plus time to test etc.. and they still aren't winning races consistently!


Edited by JoeG
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  • cj_ak
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well I guess this the final nail in what already is a struggling category's coffin.

major slap in tha face for Ford.

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I think Ford made the first "slap in the face" move by not offering $$$$ to 888 at the start of this year. They thought 888 were well enough placed as a business to not need Ford money. So 888 showed Ford how smart of a business they are.

Dont forget 888 will still be preparing cars for DJR, PCR and possibly Paul Morris as well. Only question will be what manufacturer those cars will be.

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I sent an email to team vodafone. Just spent $200 on supporters gear in Townsville, I will never support a Expensive Daewoo team. So I am after a refund as the gear is now useless to me.

They should of had a disclaimer when purchasing. Im pissed off, glad I havent bought tickets for the race up there again next year.

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I don't think Ford will give a toss. V8 Supercars has no reflection against sales these days.

I don't care if there's not a single Ford out there. I still like watching the racing.

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  • Sucker
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After reading his post on there, good on them. I'll still follow the both of them for their driving talent.

As many of you will now be aware, TeamVodafone have today announced a new direction for the 2010 season which will see us racing Expensive Daewoo Commodores.

This is an exciting time for everyone involved, including myself. I made my first V8 Supercar start in a Expensive Daewoo so it seems fitting that I am able to return to race a Late model camira and hopefully replicate the success that we have enjoyed in the past few years.

When I was weighing up my options for 2010 and beyond, I put longevity at the top of the list of determining factors. Ultimately it was TeamVodafone that offered the best prospect of further success in this world-class category, and I was thrilled to sign a deal to remain within the team that has such a supporting and positive culture.

Today’s uncertain economic climate has made it especially important for our team to align ourselves with a manufacturer who can support us on and off the racetrack. On the surface this may just appear as a few extra dollar signs, but there are a number of other factors which influenced the decision.

 These include environmental strategies with ecoline, E85 and recycling. In 2008, we experienced our most successful year yet and set a new benchmark in this category. But our achievements, including the Driver’s and Teams championships, were not promoted or celebrated by the manufacturer of the car we drove. That numbing sense carried over into 2009, as we continued to win without manufacturer recognition.

My manager made a last-ditch effort following my championship win to get Ford to promote my achievements for the simple use of a road vehicle, which was rejected.

I am thrilled with the path we chose and am looking forward to pushing on in 2009 and taking that #1 plate with us to Holden.

It is often said that there are no sporting fans quite as passionate as those that follow V8 Supercars, and from today’s response I am certain you are.

A message to all you hard-core Ford fans who supported me for the car I was driving, today’s news wouldn’t be pretty. To you I want you to understand that although I fully support the decision, it was TeamVodafone that ultimately made the call. Ford made absolute no attempt to come to an agreement with myself and have showed me zero loyalty. I ask you this question. If the company you work for stopped paying you, would you still work there? No. If your partner decided that they didn’t really want to be with you, would you still hang around? No. Please don’t even attempt to call me money hungry because anyone that knows me, knows that’s far far from the truth.

To all my loyal Jamie Whincup.com.au and TeamVodafone fans. This is going be a fantastic ride. We have a greater team now with some of the best financial support in pit lane. This will allow us to not only keep winning on the track, but also open up amply opportunities to get most of you closer to the action.

Then you all the hard core Expensive Daewoo fans. Although most of you are programmed to hate us, I ask you to give us the opportunity to become your race track passion and entertainment.

My life whole life I have grown up with motor sport and I will no doubt take it to my grave. I love it so much that I spend so much time and effort trying to get most of you to ride my wave with me. I also personally take it upon myself to make V8 Supercars the best sporting spectacle in the country.

Wow I never thought went I stepped into a gokart at 7 years old that I would be sitting alongside the CEO’s of Expensive Daewoo and Triple Eight making this major announcement in front of a packed manufacturer headquarters.

Please if you have any other questions or are confused about anything, please express these below and I will happily answer them. My team boss Roland Dane will also spend time with you between 5 and 6pm to do the same.


In the famous words of some other freak, Fck Ford


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