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Holden Boys...this Proves They Like Each Others Rears


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Was on my down centennial drive on Saturday, traffic started to pile up just past the shell servos over the bridge. Great, I though, more of my like wasted sitting in Sydney traffic!

Anyway, in about 1k from there, I see the cause of the hold up...about 8 Holdens off to the side of the road blocking the left lane.

From behind I'm approaching, I see a few VY SS', a VN and other late model Holdens, all with mags, all lowered, you know the usual young bloke kind of car....most with JetPilot stickers across the back windows. Then I see why they're stopped! The last car was pushed firmly up into the VNs rear...looked about 50cm shorter! Then in front of that, 3 more of the Holdens were nose to tail getting a little too intimate with each other!

On the side of the road was the hooded, straight capped, pants around the knees teens all wondering how this all happened.

I couldn't help but laugh, then laugh some more, then laugh some more as I write this. It really made the wait in the traffic all worth while :idunno:

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A few weeks ago I was driving home from the city, and averaged 5 km/h down South Dowling Rd. (Sydney). After almost an hour, I finally drove past the blockage.

Lo and behold, it was a smashed Clubsport surrounded by cop cars and rescue vehicles.

Guess Ford drivers just manage to keep a lower profile.

Edited by NB4C
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Randomly driving home from work and around the other night I saw 3... yes 3 Commodores with Chev badges on them that were not V8s... :bangcomputer:

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Ok I'm just going to say something here.

I'm a member of both this forum and the LS1 Forum ( obviously on this forum alot more then the LS1 forum ) but here's something I've noticed.

Yes there are a few LS1 boys who act like idiots when it comes to Fords, saying they're sh*t and Holdens are the best etc.. but alot of them do actually appreciate the XR6T and know how much of a good car they are.

I've noticed theres plenty of people on this Forum who pay out Holdens all the time, and it's really not appropriate IMO.

I'll use this thread as an example. Bunch of people have had a car accident, they're pride and joy has been damaged and you can sit there and laugh.. I just think that's really stupid.

I barely see threads on the LS1 forum about how sh*t fords are, or someone sees a ford stacked and they make a thread laughing at it, but I see it here and I find it quite sad. People just need to get over the fact that some people chose to drive Holdens and some people chose to drive Fords, get over it.

This is not a personal attack towards you xr_velocity I'm just using this thread as an example.

Now unfortunately I'm probably going to get a reply to this saying " if you dont like Fords goto the LS1 forum " which clearly I do like fords if I have an XR6T.

But IMO the right thing to do would be to show that we're a mature forum and to delete this thread as it's just not appropriate.

My 2c

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Well said. :banghead:

There's plenty of bogans in both camps, and we are starting to get allot more in ours now given the lower second hand prices.

Not a fan of deleting threads though, your post balances the scales and I'm sure there's allot that agree with you that just couldn't be bothered posting.

PS: LMAO @ Jumpa's affliction to Chev badges. :msm:

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well said George.. When I was looking for a car it was out of a 310rwkw VX SS or a xr6t with rims.. I chose the T because im a turbo boy.. if the VX was a better color or later model I would have chose that..

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I'm a member on a number of automotive sites , and from my personal experience the Ford Fan boys seem to be overall more

myopic than their Expensive Daewoo counterparts. Having said that the young'uns on some of the Expensive Daewoo sites seem to be strongly patriotic :msm:

Interestingly Expensive Daewoo sites seem to appreciate my individuality more than some of the Ford ones , go figure :banghead:

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