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Questions About Capa Tuner


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  • Member For: 16y 8m 13d
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  • Location: Blackburn, VIC

Hey all,

Firstly sorry if this question sounds stupid..

But, I wanted some details regarding the CAPA ford flasher, I have a N/A BFII with the mods in my sig and was wanting to tune it in the near future and thought since I will be getting a flash box then, I might as well get one now and use the preset tunes(which are supposed to provide limited gains) while I save up for a custom tune...

The question is that do the preset tunes in the flasher get it to a certain power (kw) level or does it increase it by a certain level?

I.e. does it get to 210 kw(hypothetical) (from factory 190) or does it increase by 20kw regardless of what power you have before flashing?


Sorry for the confusion and thanx,


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yeah that's right, if your gonna invest in one, go atleast the Flash 2, it provides data logging and you can read codes with it, so you get alot for $50 more. but the tunes you get are generic and based on whatever information you give CAPA regarding your vehicle. so really you could see 10kw gain, could be 30. you never know. but itll do some difference till you get your custom tune done

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