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6-8 cups a day.... when I finish a task and thingk about the next im like "ill have a coffee while I contemplate"...

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6-8 cups a day.... when I finish a task and thingk about the next im like "ill have a coffee while I contemplate"...

Same - finish a task grab a coffee.

Used to be coffee and smoke, but am on the electronic ciggies now so don't need to take a break for my nicotine fix.

If I didn't keep up the coffee's I'd end up working the whole day without a break at all.

Got an Expobar in the office similar to this one expobar.jpg

Generally just grab an instant though, as brewing up a proper coffee usually mean having to make 3 or 4 (for the others)

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I know first hand what caffeine does. I, at one point, was having 3-4 500ml rockstars through the day. One for breakfast with no food, one through the morning, one at lunch one on the way home from work. I don't know how my kidneys handled it. I ended up going to hospital with heart palpitations and nearly passed out because of my blood sugar levels. I got told if I don't stop I'll get diabetes and who knows what could have happened if that was out in a night club. Needless to say energy drinks are only an every now and then thing now.

I had to wean myself off them... Getting filthy miagranes for like 2 weeks nearly every day cause I was getting withdrawls. Trust me you DON'T wana go down that path haha. Ill still have a coffee every work morning, but that's it then its water. 1 coffee is a lot better than 2l of sh*t

Edited by MA91CK
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Fark that is a lot of go juice.

Starting shift work again soon and I have crap kidneys from a previous illness, I know they are going to be sore after a week of night shift.

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care to share any tips?

Honestly, I just googled and youtube'd a lot of it.. Trial and error to make it right..

These days I only have one coffee in the morning before gym, just for a lil pick me up.. Possibly another in the arvo if I go somewhere..

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I generally have 5 double shots a day (have machine at home/buy it @ work), have done for the last 6-7 years, can`t have instant anymore just doesn`t cut it. Ciggies, well that`s another issue. Just need to drink more water as coffee acts a a diuretic.

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C0ck coffee

Oh dear, but very talented

I would love to own one of those big machines but it looks to hard to use on a regular basis

On a side note Fasta Pasta do a great cap

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If its available I like the Robert Timms Coffee bags.. However it's hard to get it strong enough..

But if we are talking powder levels of desperation.. Moccona Espresso.

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