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Yep well I've been moved off to the glue factory, where all the old horses go.

Out of 10 people, there are two left. Had a mass downsize yesterday. That's the construction industry for you though.

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That's sh*t to hear dude.

All I can say is, try to look at it as an opportunity for a change.

I was pretty bummed and a bit worried when I first found out. Had no idea where I would end up (if anywhere).

But I've got the second callback for a possible job tomorrow so things might be lookin' ok.

We'll see...

Oh and being unemployed is so awesome for the first week!

I'm sure the shine wears off eventually but I've got 3 weeks holiday pay up my sleeve and I'm enjoying waking up after 10, eating McBreakfast every day and workin' on my custom shaped assgroove in the couch.

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sorry to hear that guys. I'm in the same situation myself. Been in pre-press printing for the last 15 years and had 7 jobs. I lost my job over a month ago now and I'm thinking the same about changing careers but no idea what to do. Anyway good luck to all involved

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I am the same also... just went qualifyed a week before hand too. now am qualifyed carpenter looking for work. none in victoria so on a whym moved to qld to be with the misses, goes to uni in brisbane. and cant find anything up here either. soo screwed if I cant get a hold of work soon.

any brizzy builders on here????

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What sort of work are you after? I know a few commercial builders, PM me and I can point you in the right direction.

I work two jobs so I'm not too worried at the moment. Have given a few contacts a call and they've all helped me out a bit. Was invited to a AHSCA seminar tomorrow so fingers crossed!

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sorry 2 hear bout the redundancies everyone! this EC is hittin us pretty hard aye! if you guys still remember I got the ass a couple of months ago....and still looking for work. Ive got a job lined up for November through my cousin butttt I need a temporary job to do until then coz im running out of funds real fast and the mortgage unfortunately refuses to pay for itself! :wtcslap:

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I know things may seem a little tough ATM, but the trick to getting a job is all about presentation.

Firstly, get someone you know who employs people (a boss or HR) to have a look over your resume. Make sure you have embelished your caree achievements and remove anything that does not relate to the job and is unimportant. The formattign, grammar and spelling is very important.

I employ 16 people and needed a new account person. We threw out 90% of the resumes (over 40) just based on Engrish, Grammar or spelling. I figure if they do not put the effort in, neither will I.

You need to make your resume stands out. Formatting and colour are very important. Make sure you have a PDF version so that you can email it.

The most important thing is to keep possitive and be realistic. Delivering pizzas or stocking shelves will keep the money coming in, until you can find a more suitable position.

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