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Power Differences Between Shootout Modes


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I was suprised to find out that having a higher intake temp will give a higher reading. I always thought it would be the other way around.

Can some explain why this is?

Has anyone ever put up a dyno sheet on here with a XR6t dyno'd in SHOOT 4 or SHOOT 4F?

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I dont think anyone has.

and im guessing that it has something to do with an environment correction in the dyno program itself.

im just doing it for sh*ts and giggles really and thought I would share it around.

have done my runs in shoot 4 and shoot 4f. only like 6 more modes to go.

then a run showing a whopping difference in temps.

I did a run first off in shoot 6f to make sure my car wasnt doing anything silly in the fuel and boost areas.

Edited by The_Bogan
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oh yeh ive got a bit on...

then yeh, hopefully pilot pauls fg into the low 11's.

have done all modes up to and including shoot 6f. and im suprised with the power differences it has made.

I have and will be doing 2 runs in each shoot out mode. with the first run being at the exact same engine temp going by the temp gauge.

im not going to bother running it in the rotary modes..

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I was suprised to find out that having a higher intake temp will give a higher reading. I always thought it would be the other way around.

Can some explain why this is?

The car does not produce more power. Some dynos rely on the air intake probe sensor reading to give a atmoshperic correction factor, by placing this temp sensor in a hotter spot, the dyno will make a different correction factor.

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ok here are the results of my testing of my car's power output when run through all the shootout modes on a dyno dynamics dyno.

there was a fair power increase between all the modes!

I tried to keep each run at the same engine temp and each run loaded up on the dyno the same way.

I will let you be the judge of the results!!

no bullsh*t comments or piss taking!

I was not running my drag/dyno tune, so no comments about the power output either.

I did not swap tunes or adjust anything to affect the power output as ive got nothing to gain by doing so!


The difference difference in the way each power curve looks I can only put down to the difference between all the shootout modes. as I noticed with SHOOT 8 and SHOOT 8F that the car revved faster than what it did with all of the other shootout modes.

I hope ive shed a little bit of light for you all! enjoy and thanx for reading!

first run I did was in SHOOT 4 ( N/A 4 Cylinder front or RWD cars )


2nd run was done in SHOOT 4F. ( 4cyl Forced induction. turbo, supercharged or nitrous )


3rd run was in SHOOT 6. ( N/A 6 Cyl )


4th run was in SHOOT 6F. ( 6cyl Forced Induction. Turbo, Supercharged or Nitrous )


5th run was in SHOOT 8. ( N/A 8cyl )


6th run was in SHOOT 8F. ( 8cyl Forced Induction. Turbo, Supercharged or Nitrous)


7th run was in SHOOT 6F showing what a higher intake temp will do to the power that the dyno thinks the car is making. this intake temp is probably a little unrealistic, but nonetheless, having a higher intake temp will trick the dyno into thinking the car is producing more power.


And the last run I did was not done in any shootout mode, just normal ramp mode.


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So 26rwkw was "gained" simply by placing the intake temp probe in a warmer location. This is the very reason why dyno figures hold little water in the eyes of most serious racers. Only kids in bedrooms take them as gospel.

Well done Bogan.

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